Chapter 16

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It had been a few weeks since Andrew and Scarlett had found out the Bean was a little girl, and they were both elated. Scarlett had always seen herself having a little girl, and she was thrilled at the prospect of having a little princess. Andrew hadn't had a clue what to expect, but the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of having a sweet little girl to dote on. They'd told Kara all about it, as well as Scarlett's parents, and they'd shared the news with all of their friends. Things were going great, and Scarlett was feeling well. Everything seemed to be falling into place.

One Saturday, Andrew headed to pick Scarlett up for a random trip to Target. It was the type of thing the two did together all the time, running errands and just hanging out. Ever since Dr. Brown had encouraged Scarlett to take it easy and accept help with her daily tasks, it had stuck in Andrew's mind. Scarlett was one of the most independent girls he'd ever met, and she would not ask for help under any circumstances, but he found if he gently offered, she'd generally accept his attempts to help her. Picking her up to "go to Target together" meant he could drive her, carry her bags, and help her get everything into her house with her having to ask him, and selfishly, it meant he could spend time with her too. It was a win-win.

They walked through the aisles, browsing and making jokes together, and Andrew remembered he'd told Shane he'd pick up a prescription for him. As they waited in line, they argued over football. Andrew liked the Chicago Bears, while Scarlett had been raised a New York Giants fan, and Scarlett was surprisingly knowledgeable about the NFL. She was making the case to him why Daniel Jones would ultimately be better than Mitchel Trubisky when she saw a sale on her favorite mascara, telling him she was going to check it out and come right back. Just as she'd walked away, he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"Hey Siwicki, what's up bro?" the voice called out, and Andrew turned around to see Chase Fuller. Chase had been a friend of a friend during the Vlog Squad days when Andrew was with Gabbie. He'd been Matt King's roommate at some point, though Andrew didn't think he was still living with Matt, and he hadn't seen Chase in a long time. Andrew shot him a smile and a small wave, and Chase walked up to him.

"How's it going?" he asked the red-head, patting him on the shoulder. "Not bad, Chase, how 'bout you?" Andrew asked in his soft-spoken voice. "Not too much, dude, just working. I'm in finance now, had to get a real job, you know?" Andrew nodded a little, grinning, and Chase continued. "Hey, congrats on the success with Shane and the series, buddy. Man, I heard about it from Matt and Scott and those guys, but I saw the article about you in Business Insider. That's really awesome how well you guys did," the guy said kindly, and Andrew blushed a little bit, looking down at his feet before offering a quick thanks. As they chatted, Scarlett came back into the line.

"Hey Andrew, apparently they have that yogurt I like, the one I can never find. I'm going to go real quick to the grocery section, will you just wait for me here and I'll come back and meet you?" she asked before noticing Chase and smiling. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you talking to anyone," she said, giggling a little to herself. Andrew shook his head with a smile. "No biggie, this is Chase, we used to hang out back in the day. This is Scarlett." Scarlett smiled, holding out her hand and shaking it as Chase eyed her up and down. She side-eyed Andrew and then quickly excused herself, waving slightly at Andrew as she left.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Chase looked at Andrew with wide eyes. "Holy shit, Siwicki, your girlfriend is an 11. I guess you are doing pretty well huh?" the guy laughed, punching him lightly on the arm. "Oh, no, she's not... no, we're just friends," Andrew stammered, immediately uncomfortable. Chase raised his eyebrows. "No? Why, are you not into her, she's amazing?" he said breathlessly. Andrew looked at him with a strange expression before it dawned on him. Scarlett was barely showing, and she had on jeans and a billowy peasant top that day, making it impossible to tell that she was even pregnant. Andrew cleared his throat a little. "Oh, I don't know, she's just, you know, like my best friend," he said quietly, not wanting to go into the whole thing. Chase grinned, clearing his throat. "Well, hey, um, this is kind of awkward, but maybe you could, like... get me her phone number. I never meet any nice girls in L.A. anymore and she is, like, unbelievable. Scarlett, that's even a hot's girls name." He looked at Andrew with hopeful eyes, and Andrew almost choked before blinking quickly. "Oh, um, yeah, maybe so. I'd have to check with her first, I wouldn't feel comfortable... you know, I'd have to ask her," he said nervously, and Chase grinned.

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