Chapter 32

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Scarlett sat propped up in her hospital bed, crying as she felt a mixture of panic over being unprepared for the baby to arrive and pain from the contractions which were spaced out but becoming more frequent. She tried deep breathing, music, ice chips, everything the nurses suggested, but nothing would soothe her. In the span of five minutes, Andrew and Scarlett had completely switched personalities. Generally a realist and cool under pressure, Scarlett was freaking out about everything from the fact that they hadn't come up with a name for the baby to her specially-ordered and more "glamorous" hospital gown she'd found on Etsy that hadn't shipped yet. Meanwhile, Andrew, notoriously nervous and anxious, was handling everything like a total boss, not even breaking a sweat as he did his best to calm Scarlett's every fear and concern.

"Sweetheart, I already texted Morgan and told her to find those pajamas you bought the other day at Neiman's, the really soft ones," the red-head told her softly, sitting next to Scarlett in a chair as he stroked the inside of her palm. She started to relax immediately, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. "And remember, we agreed that we wouldn't pick a name until we see her anyway, so it's OK that we don't have one." He leaned over, carefully brushing some of her hair out from her face, and Scarlett smiled weakly at him.

"I'm sorry Andrew, I'm panicking, I know... I don't know why, we're ready, I know we are, it's just..." Scarlett stammered, feeling herself rambling, and Andrew leaned in, kissing her lips softly. "Baby, its OK. Its fine that you're a little nervous, that's completely normal. It would be weird if you weren't nervous," he assured her, and she sighed. "You don't seem nervous," she said, and Andrew shook his head. "I'm nervous, believe me. But you said yourself before, only one of us can freak out here, and it's gonna be you. I'm just trying to hold it together so we can get through this, alright? I promise, you've got this, you can do anything, baby." Scarlett smiled slightly, watching as Ryland brought Andrew a coffee. People were bustling in and out of the room, and then Morgan and Shane showed up with Scarlett's bag. She was thrilled to have her stuff, but she felt anxious and unsettled, and Andrew could immediately tell. Scarlett laid still with her eyes closed, and before she knew it, Andrew was ushering everyone out of the room.

She sat quietly, eyes closed and breathing deeply, waiting as a contraction washed over her, and then she noticed Andrew leading Shane, Ryland and Morgan back in. "Scar, we love you so much, we'll see you after Baby Girl comes, OK?" Morgan said, leaning over and giving Scarlett a hug. "You guys are going?" Scarlett asked weakly, and Shane nodded. "Hospitals freak me out, so you know..." he trailed off, giggling a little, and Ryland chimed in. "Andrew will keep us updated, we'll come back and check on you after she's here. We love you, babe," the shorter man said, kissing his friend gently on the forehead, and then all three waved at Scarlett as Andrew sat back down in the chair, not saying anything.

Scarlett looked at Andrew with an eyebrow raised. "You made everyone leave?" she asked, and Andrew shrugged. "There was too much chaos and anxiety. We're not trying to have that right now. They mean well and they wanted to help, but this is something just for me and you," he told her firmly, and Scarlett smiled, holding her arms out so she could hug him around his neck. "I love you," she whispered to him, and Andrew smiled broadly. "I love you too baby. Let's try to relax and get through this alright?" Scarlett nodded, and as she was starting to relax a bit, she felt another intense wave of pain rush over her, and this time she cried out.

"Andrew, this hurts so much, oh my gosh," she wailed, and Andrew furrowed his brows. As he was starting to worry a bit, Dr. Brown and a nurse named Wendy arrived. "Scarlett, looks like your contractions are getting closer together. You told me at our last visit that you wanted an epidural. If you still do, this is the time to get it," Dr. Brown said, and Scarlett scrunched her eyes together. She had gone back and forth about it, and she looked to Andrew to see what he thought. Andrew smiled at her, holding her hand and rubbing her forearm soothingly. "Baby, you should do whatever is going to make you feel comfortable. If you want to get the shot, I think you should," he said simply, and she smiled nodding her head at Dr. Brown. "OK, I'm ready," she said, and Dr. Brown nodded, immediately calling the anesthesiologist before leaving to check on another patient.

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