New Feelings

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Cami's alarm went off and she groaned loudly. Why did mornings always have to come so soon? If she wasn't up all night running her side business she might not be so tired. Her eyes shot open as she remember Clark's fingers pumping in and out of her. She groaned again, covering her eyes with her arm.

She was so unprofessional. She's broken her own rule of never getting involved in the clients affairs. She was there to moderate and in order to do that she had to be impartial. But she couldn't seem to be impartial with Clark.

Getting up she took a quick shower. Looking in the mirror she turned her head from side to side. She reached for some concealer and added a little gloss. After running a brush through her unruly curls she slipped into jeans and a v neck T-shirt. She told herself she wasn't putting in the effort for Clark, it was so she could feel good about herself.

She unlocked the coffee shop and a few minutes later Alex bopped in. "Morning," Cami called, putting some cheer into her voice.

Alex's lip curled as he growled at her. She laughed, slidding a cup of coffee down the counter to him made just the way he liked it. "Why do mornings have to be so ungodly early?" He whined.

Cami tried not to laugh at how much he sounded like a little boy. She ruffled his black hair before dipping back into the kitchen. She threw herself into baking up the pastries, trying to clear her mind of all things Damien and Clark. She kneaded the dough, twisting and shaping before placing them on a baking sheet and sticking them in the oven.

A smooth voice filtered in from the front of the coffee shop making her heart stutter in her chest. "Coffee, black please." Her face flushed red as she remembered that voice in her ear last night. Her legs involuntarily clenched at the thought.

She tiptoed to the door and peeked around. Clark stood at the counter, his icy eyes hidden behind his thick glasses again. He wore a green button down and khakis. The look was the complete opposite of the dominating sex deviant he'd been last night. Alex handed him his coffee and he walked over to his usual spot, setting his laptop down on the table. She stared at his back for a while trying to get her heart rate to return to normal.

Embarrassment sat low in stomach at the memory of how she's let a complete stranger work past her walls. She knew she couldn't stand here staring at him all day. And a big part of her was curious about this man. She walked over to the sink and washed her hands. Pulling her apron over her head she fiddled with the curls around her face, trying to make them lay perfect. With one last pat over her to smooth out her shirt she walked out from the kitchen and over to his table.

"Good morning Clark," she said cooly as she slid into the seat across from him. He looked up, eyeing her over the top of his glasses.

"Morning Camilla." He smirked at her. She swore she saw his eyes darken. She tried hard not to fidget.

"I...I just wanted you to know...I don't that sort of thing..."

He held up a hand, stopping her fumbling. She squirmed in her seat. "No worries Camilla. It was," he paused, smiling at her again. "Mutually beneficial." She flushed red again.

Her finger reached up and twisted a curl near her face. Internally she groaned. She looked like a school girl flirting with her professor for a good grade. What was it about this guy that made her tremble? He shut his laptop gently and leaned closer to her. She found herself leaning toward him as well, her hand stilled in her curl.

"Come with me." He said quietly. She looked down, eyes wide, and saw his hand reaching for hers. She bit her lip. All she knew about this man was that he was a journalist and he was definitely more than he seemed.

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