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The alarm blared loudly and Cami groaned as she hit the snooze button without opening her eyes. She snuggled deeper under the blankets and willed herself to go back to sleep. A warm arm snaked around her waist and pulled her backwards. She smiled slightly as she felt the hard body against her.

"You're going to make me late Mrs. Hendrix," Peter said as he peppered her cheek with kisses. The scruff on his face tickled her and she turned her head with a laugh.

"Call in sick." She wiggled closer to him.

"I wish I could." He dropped a quick kiss on her forehead but continued to snuggle behind her. Absently his hand stroked her belly. They both felt a slight movement.

"Seems she agrees with me. Daddy should stay home," Cami said with a smile. Peter laid his hand flat against her stomach as he felt the baby move again. They stayed still, not daring to move in case she stopped.

With a sigh Peter said, "How can I say no to my girls?" He buried his face in her neck. They laid there in comfortable silence until Cami shifted. She slid out from the bed and began a very pregnant waddle towards the door. "Thought we were staying in bed?"

"Well the baby's on my bladder!" She hollered back. She couldn't see his smile but she could feel it. He took the opportunity to call the office. He stood up, stretching before slipping on a pair of sweats. Cami came back with a groan. "Why are you out of bed?"

He smiled as he slid his arms around her and pulled her round belly to rest against his flat one. "I'm going to make my girls breakfast." He kisses her nose quickly before heading down the stairs. Cami sighed and began the long process of getting dressed. She reached into her dresser and looked at the picture on top of her and Peter on their wedding day.

It had been a beautiful day. She'd been so nervous. "I don't think I can do this," she'd cried to Petra. Petra hugged her tightly with a laugh.

"If you leave Peter at the alter I just might marry him."

Cami looked up in surprise as Petra's laugh grew. "What if this just doesn't work out?" She whispered. Petra hugged her tighter.

"Peter worships the ground you walked on. He loves you and hes a good man. But it's normal to be nervous."

"Who made you the shrink?"

The door opened and her mom and dad walked in, both smiling. "Are you ready mija?" Her dad had asked. She'd swallowed quickly, nodding. Petra squeezed her arm and headed out the door to prepare the way. Both Cami's parents flanked her as they headed toward the ceremony space. "You look beautiful."

She knew she did. The dress was simple. It was a classic strapless A-line with some diamond sunburst embellishments. Her hair was curled around her face and her veil was lace lined. The red roses she held matched her lipstick. She smiled at her parents as she felt the nerves fleeing her. They were getting closer and closer to the man she loved.

Petra flashed her a quick wink before heading down the aisle in front of her. Cami took a steadying breath before slowly following. All the guests were standing and looking at her in awe but she only had eyes for the groom. He stood at the alter, his black hair slicked back and his black suit tailored to perfection. He had one red rose pinned to his suit. His eyes widened in wonder as he took in his bride and she felt her smile widen.

That had been the best day of her life. So far at least. She rubbed her belly with a smile before continuing to get dressed. The smell of breakfast filled her nostrils as she descended the stairs. Shortly after they married Peter had bought them this house. It was right outside the city. It was quiet and there were tons of children and families. It worked out well since she'd shortly after found out she was pregnant.

"I made your favorite," he said with a wink. Cami sat down at the bar inhaling the wonderful scent of chocolate chip pancakes.

"This is why I love you."

"Just this?" He asked with a laugh.

She pretended to think hard, tapping her chin with her finger. "There might be one or two other things." Peter grabbed his own plate and sat next to her, one hand resting on her thigh. She dig into her pancakes with glee.

"So I was thinking..."

She groaned loudly. "Not again."

"Babe we have to pick a name."

"I don't like yours," she pouted, sticking another bite of pancakes in her mouth.

"Your due in like a week," he scowled. "Just hear me out." She sighed but nodded. He clapped his hands together and rubbed them together. "Hannah."









"Forget it."

Peter growled. "You aren't even thinking about it." Cami shrugged with a smile.

"I'll know if when I hear it."

Peter sighed and continued eating his own breakfast. When they finished he collected the dishes and cleaned up. "So what are we doing on this day off?" He asked. He was leaning against the counter, still shirtless. Cami waddled up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I've got some ideas," she said playfully biting her lip. Peter smiled as he bent to drop a sweet kiss on her lips.

"You just want that baby out of you don't you?" He asked against her lips.

She sighed and pulled away. "Please get her out! The doctor said sex helps..."

"So does walking. Come on babe." He pulled her toward the door. "Let me snag a shirt and I'll take you for a walk." She pouted by the front door. She looked down at her belly as she waited for her husband.

"You better come out soon," she grumbled.

Peter came bounding down the stairs fully dressed and he helped her put on her shoes. Holding her hand they walked out into the beautiful spring day. There were others out and about. Some on their way to work, others out for morning jogs. Cami and Peter smiled and waved as they leisurely strolled the block.

"Thanks for staying home babe," she said.

He smiled at her as he squeezed her hand gently. "Anything for you my love. Besides, it won't be long until little miss comes." Cami nodded.

She loved spring time. The flowers were blooming and the sun shone keeping her warm but not too warm. It had rained the night before and everything felt fresh and new. The came to the park that was just a few blocks from their house. She could hear children playing and imaged a dark haired little girl running away to chase them. She smiled at the thought.

Peter pointed over to the flower beds. "Look, they've finally bloomed." Cami glanced over to see a riot of color where a few days before there was only green. She walked closer to inhale the scent of the freshly bloomed flowers.

"They are so pretty."

"They are lilies," he said with a smile. "My mother used to plant these." Cami gasped and squeezed his hand hard. "What?!" He asked with concern.

"That's it!"

"What's it?"

Cami rubbed her belly gently. She took his hand and placed it with hers. "Her name is Lily."

Peter's eyes widened as he looked down at where their baby rested. "Lily Hendrix."

"Lily Alexandra Hendrix. I think Uncle Alex will like it." Peter smiled brightly and he slid one hand into her hair, pulling her close.

"I love it," his lips descended onto hers as he kissed her gently. She lost herself in the wonderful feel and taste of him. Both of them were lost in their kiss, their hands still rested gently on Cami's tummy. Suddenly Cami gasped and pulled away looking down. "What's wrong?"

Her eyes wide she looked at her husbands concerned face. "I think my water just broke."

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