4 Years Later

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Cami looked into the mirror and smiled at her reflection. The black graduation gown flowed around her as the gold cord hung from her neck. She slipped the cap over her curly brown hair. "You look amazing darling," Petra exclaimed, coming up behind her and wrapping her in her arms.

"I can't believe I did it," Cami said smiling.

"I always knew you would dear. Your too smart for your own good." Petra dropped a quick kiss on Cami's cheek and pulled away.

Cami's eyes watered as she looked at her best friend. "Who would have thought I'd be here 4 years ago?"

"I always knew, I was just waiting for you to figure it out." The two friends stood there in companionable silence. The door pushed open gently and they both turned to see Peter stride through the door.

"It's time love," he said with a relaxed grin. He wrapped an arm around Cami's waist as he dropped a kiss on her head. "Everyone's out there." Cami took a deep breath and let out a huff of air.

"It's finally here," her voice held a soft tone of disbelief. She looked up at Petra, then to Peter. "Thank you both." The two smiled back at her. Petra's eyes glistened with unshed tears. With a click of her heels she turned and walked out the door. To most it would seem abrubpt but that was just Petra. She'd never been good at emotional scenes.

Cami turned in Peter's arm to look up at him. "Wave to me so I can find you?"

He smiled and bent to gently capture her lips with his. With ease she slid her tongue against his, relishing the flavor that was uniquely Peter. The processional music began and reluctantly she pulled away. "Congrats babe," he said with a quick peck before making his way out of the room to go find his seat.

Cami found her spot in line with her fellow graduates and began the march to their seats. When she entered the auditorium she looked around for her family and friends. "Woooh Cami!" She heard yelled from the middle right section. She glanced up to see her mom and dad clapping politely. Peter was next to them looking devilishly handsome even not in a suit. Petra was next to him, a grin from ear to ear settled over her features. Then next to her was Alex. He'd cleaned up a lot these past few years.

He'd stopped dying his hair black for starters and the natural brown was much more appealing. He'd quit the fights and instead was the new manager for Camilla's coffee shop. They had both decided he just wasn't cut out for school and since Cami was they'd basically traded jobs. She worked there some to keep in touch with people and stay busy but Alex ran the show. He was a surprisingly great manager and had even implemented some changes which were going over well.

Sometimes Cami missed the shops evening extra curriculars. Mostly she missed helping people. But now that she was graduating she was planning to open her own sex therapy practice, completely legally.

She sat in her chair and listened to the speakers absentmindedly. She'd been through a lot to get where she was. Luckily she hadn't seen or heard from Damien since that day at his apartment. Not like there was anything left for him to blackmail her with. Petra kept tabs on him. Last she'd heard he was mooching off an older divorcee who received a healthy alimony from her ex. She very rarely thought about Clark. Only in times when she thought of where she was now and wondered how he was. Things had truly worked out how they needed to and she was a better person for it.

Cami stood with her row and headed up to the stage. "Camilla Perez." She walked forward and shook her professors hand. Then she reached for her diploma and shook the presidents hand. Someone snapped a picture as the cheers from her friends and family warmed her heart. Everyone who mattered was here to celebrate her.

"Congratulations to our graduates!" One professor said and the graduates stood and threw their hats in the air. Cami tilted her face up and smiled brightly as she watched all the black caps fall back to the ground.

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