Budding Interest

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Cami was laughing so hard her sides hurt. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes and she wiped them away with a smile. "That can't be true," she said, fighting back more laughter.

"On my honor it's the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Peter held up one hand and covered his heart with the other. He had a broad smile on his face as he chuckled slightly.

"Who knew criminals could be so stupid," she said taking a sip of her coffee. Peter picked his up and well and they sat in comfortable silence as they each drained their cups.

It was late. The shop was closed and the street was dark. At least twice a week they did this. Catching up on each other's lives, laughing and talking. Warmth flooded Cami's chest as she looked at his slightly disheveled black hair and warm eyes. In this light she could see the flecks of green in the hazel. She collected both their cups and took them to the sink.

"One for the road?" She asked. She knew his night was far from over. Peter worked long hours and yet he always seemed to make time for her. The thought made her cheeks flush and a smile creep across her face.

Peter stood up and stretched. He'd taken off his suit jacket and his sleeves were rolled up past his elbows. His tie was undone and hanging loosely around his neck. She bit her lip as she fought the sudden desire to grab it and pull him to her.

"Actually no. I think I'm going to call it a night this time." Her eyes widened in shock.

"It's only 9!" Over the past two months she and Peter had gotten to know each other well. He was never in bed before midnight and never stayed there past 5:45. She didn't know how he did it.

He shrugged as he came to stand by her, leaning against the counter. "Maybe it's time for a change," he said quietly. She felt her breath shorten as she felt the heat radiating off of him with how close he stood to her. She clenched her thighs briefly, hoping he wouldn't notice the effect he was having on her. "Can I walk you home?"

She smiled at him shyly. "It's not far. Why don't you go home and rest."

He slid a bit closer. Her eyes widened as she looked up at his serious face. "I want to make sure you make it home ok." Feeling like she was out of her body she nodded slowly, her gaze lost in his. The warmth of his palm spread across her hip as she realized he was touching her. He shifted slightly so he was right in front of her, her nipples rubbing against his hard chest.

Need filled her like lightning. With a deep breath she took a small step away. It had only been a few months since Clark. She wasn't sure if she was ready to dive into dating again. It was just casual coffee with Peter. They were friends. She bit her lip as she grabbed her jacket and bag. Peter walked back to their table to grab his suit jacket. They met at the door and he held it for her as she walked out. She locked it behind her and they set off for her apartment at a leisurely pace.

"Are you excited for school to start?" He asked her quietly.

She smiled up at him. "I really am. I can't wait to be able to study and do what I love."

He nodded, his hands buried in his pockets. "It is an odd choice of career but if it's something your passionate about then it'll all be worth it."

She cocked her head. "Why is it odd?"

"Well you just don't hear a lot about sex therapists I guess." He smiled over at her.

"There are more people out there who need them though, trust me." They neared her apartment and she had never hated the fact that she lived so close to her shop before. They stopped outside the door and Cami fidgeted from foot to foot.

"So what are you going to do with your free time tonight?" She asked. His face was partly shawdowed but the street light shone a bit making the planes of his face seem harsh. She badly wanted to reach up and touch him. Her fists balled in her pockets as she fought it.

He lifted a shoulder. "Not sure. Maybe I'll watch some TV or clean up my apartment. Maybe I'll read the book I got for Christmas last year. The night is going." She watched the smile on his face. His teeth were straight and white and his lips looked warm and inviting. She found hers parting slightly as she licked hers own. His eyes followed the movement as he took a step closer.

"You know I like you Cami," he said softly. His hand came up to brush her cheek gently and she fought a shiver. "But I don't want to rush you." His thumb stroked her cheek bone lightly and couldn't resist reaching out to wrap her arms around him. The movement pulled them closer.

"Th..thank you," she stuttered. She felt stupid. She desperately wanted him to kiss her. They stood there for what felt like ages as she begged him to kiss her with her eyes.

With a small smile he pulled away slowly and nodded toward her door. "Get some rest. I'll call you tomorrow?" She felt herself deflate. She really was broken. This amazing, charming, caring man liked her and she couldn't even agree to a date with him when he'd asked. It wasn't like she had to sleep with him.

Tears stung her eyes as she nodded and gave a little wave. She didn't trust her voice to not sound too disappointed. Her hand pulled the door when suddenly she was turned around. Peter's hand tugged her arm pulling her to him while his other slid around the back of her neck holding her in place.

His lips settled overs her gently and she didn't even have to think about it as she pressed herself into the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she tried to get as close to him as possible. Their lips moved together in perfect sync, like they'd been doing this forever. And when his tongue slipped into her mouth she groaned softly, her body filling with need.

All to soon he pulled away, ending the kiss. They both breathed heavily as they stayed wrapped in each other. "Come up?" She asked breathily. He smiled and stroked her cheek with his thumb again. He dropped a quick kiss to her lips that she barely had time to register.

He pulled away and took a step back. "Goodnight Cami," he said, a playful edge to his voice. She pouted slightly. Why was he doing this to her? She waved at him absentmindedly before heading inside. On the ride up in the elevator her phone dinged and she pulled it out to see a message from Peter.

Peter: I've wanted to do that since I first saw you.

Cami: Then why wait so long?

Peter: I want to make sure I'm the only guy in your head.

Cami smiled as she typed.

Cami: It's been you for the past few months Peter.

Peter: Goodnight Cami. Can I come see you tomorrow?

Cami: I'd love that.

Peter: Can I kiss you again?

Cami: I'd be very angry if you didn't.

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