The Connection

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"I have to do it."

"No you don't Cami. We can find another way out of this. You can't vouch for that bastard!" Petra's face was flushed with anger. Cami stood there, close to tears.

"Petra, he could ruin me. Ruin the shop! I can't sit by and do nothing. I want to keep helping people and if that means helping that sick fuck out then I'll do it!"

"Just give me some time to figure something out ok?"

Cami bit her lip, her arms hugging herself. "I'll give you until Wednesday." Petra seemed to visibly calm down. She ran her hands over her face before pulling Cami into a quick tight hug.

"We'll figure it out Cami ok? Don't worry. Maybe even find a way to keep him out of your life for good. I wish you'd told me sooner." Cami wasn't going to hold her breath for a way to get rid of him permanently. She regretted ever having dated him.

When she'd first met him at that frat party he'd seemed charming and kind. She'd learned not far into their relationship how looks could be deceiving. Him beating her and raping her had been the final straw. But there had been other things. Cami has just been too caught up in the fact this handsome and well to do man wanted her. She was the daughter of blue collar immigrants. Always shy and never particularly good at anything she'd only dated one other guy before Damien.

Since the couples had finally left Cami told Petra everything. She told her about Damien's visit and what he wanted from her. She told her about Clark and how he'd been staying to help protect her. "Guess he's not so bad," she'd said airily.

Cami visibly sighed with relief when she saw him walking into the shop the next day. He was beginning to feel like a part of the place. He walked up to the counter, his face clean shaven and his glasses firmly in place. She fought against her need to bury her face in his neck.

"The usual?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Clark smiled, his sandy colored hair touching the rim of his glasses. He pushed it away from his face. "Seems like you know me too well if I have a usual."

Cami's cheeks flushed as she set about making his coffee. When she handed it to him their fingers touched and a spark ignited. Cami's brown eyes widened as she gasped slightly. They hadn't touched in over a week and she felt her abdomen flood with need. His pupils dialayed as they watched each other. Soon his grin spread across his face and taking the cup he walked back to his usual seat.

Embarrassed, she set about getting some work done. She didn't want to be one of those girls who fawned over him. Renee didn't seem to have that problem. Cami watched from the corner of her eye as Renee sashayed over to his table placing both hands on the table and leaned over the back of his laptop. Her perky breasts were pushed up to the top of her shirt giving him a nice view.

"Whatcha working on professor?" She asked in a giggly loud schoolgirl voice.

Clark's head flashed up to take her in. Please don't, Cami thought to herself before turning away from the two. She heard Renee's flirtatious giggle. Rolling her eyes she tuned them out and began working on the books for the shop only glancing up when Renee came flouncing back behind the counter.

"Good gods, that man is ridiculously hot," she said, fanning herself.

"Do you really think you have a shot with him?" Cami tried to keep the acid from her tone. Tried and failed. Renee eyed her suspiciously.

"Do you two have something going on....?"

Cami shook her head quickly. "No, not at all. He just seems much...older than you and maybe not the best...partner." Renee looked at Cami like she was stupid.

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