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When Cami's alarm went off at 5 am she actually got up instead of hitting snooze like usual. She took a hot shower and stood in front of her bathroom mirror. Slowly she dropped the towel and looked at herself. Her bronze skin was flushed from the heat. Her tummy wasn't flat and she grabbed at it with one hand. Turning to her side she examined her flared hips and slightly rounded butt. She turned back forward and used both hands to lift her less than perky D cup boobs.

Damien's less than flattering words echoed through her head. "Maybe we should put you on a diet. You could stand to lose a few pounds." "Are you too you for a boob job? It'd do wonders for you you know." "It's a shame your not taller. That'll probably help with hour weight distribution." "I could have any woman I want but I chose to be with you. You should feel lucky."

She sighed as she twisted her long curly brown hair up into a topknot. Then she dusted a bit of makeup over her face before making sure to apply mascara. After putting on some lip gloss she walked into her room. Chewing on her lip she slipped into her undergarments before grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and one of her nicer v-neck shirts.

The extra effort was not for Clark, she assured herself. Ok who was she kidding it was totally for him. She slipped on a pair of flats and grabbed a jacket before leaving her apartment. The air was chilly as she arrived at the coffee shop. She unlocked the door and set about getting ready for the day.

Shortly after she arrived Alex trudged in. His head was ducked and she called out to him, "Morning sleepyhead!" She grinned waiting for his snappy comeback. When it didn't come she frowned slightly. Alex never passed up a chance to make a snide remark.

Cami walked over to where Alex stood, slipping his apron over his head. "You ok?" She asked softly. Alex sighed loudly.

"Guess you're gonna see it sooner or later," he said gruffly. Cami felt worry gnawing at her as he slowly turned around.

Her jaw dropped open in surprise. "Holy shit Alex!" She yelled. The skin surrounding his eye was bruised purple and black. The bridge of his nose sported a long cut. She reached out for him and he flinched away. "What the hell happened?" He pushed past her, his long strides putting distance between them. Cami placed her hands on her hips.

"Alex you better start talking right now."

He whirled around, anger emanating from his eyes. "Why do you give a shit? Your not my mom. Stay out of my life." She could see his chest rising and falling with his heavy breathing.

She walked to him as fast as she could stopping inches from him. They faced off for a few second. Alex's body was tense, his stance wide as if he planned to bolt again. With exaggerated slowness Cami lifted her arms and wrapped them around the teen.

"I'm not your mom Alex, but I love you," she said calmly. Her face pressed tightly to his chest.

His breathing continued to come in pants and she realized quickly that he was fighting back tears. She squeezed him a little tighter. Slowly his hands came to rest on her back as he sunk into her embrace. His body began to gently shake as he silently cried on her shoulder.

Cami wasn't sure how long they stood there holding each other. The light was brightening as the sun was rising but she didn't care. She needed Alex to know she was there and he could talk to her. He might not be hers but she loved the kid. Once his body stopped shaking she pulled away slightly, bending over to look up into his face.

"You don't have to talk Alex. But I'm here for you. Do you need something for your eye? Have you seen a doctor?"

He shook his head slowly, using the back of his hand to wipe his face frantically. "I took some ibuprofen and iced it last night." Cami nodded gently.

Sex in a Coffee ShopWhere stories live. Discover now