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"Camilla Amaya Perez what were you thinking!?" her mother yelled at her. "And you didn't even call us to warn us? The news about killed your father!" Mila Perez was pacing the kitchen floor, her tennis shoes squeaking as her feet dug in to turn her around. She was gesturing wildly around her. "Tell her Andres."

Andres Perez was sitting calmly at the table, his elbows rested on the surface, his fists propping up his chin. "Mija, you owe us an explanation."

Cami turned and looked into Peter's hazel eyes. He was smiling slightly as he shuffled papers around on top of his briefcase. She'd put off this conversation with her parents for as long as she could. She'd been putting off all conversations. Her clients had been texting her all week. They wanted to know about the article, about her arrest, about their involvement. Some of the voicemails and texts were ok. Others were not. "Mom, dad, I'm an adult and I..."

"An adult?!" Mila yelled, her pacing continuing. "We should have never let you move out! You were arrested! You have to go to trial!"

"Actually we are trying to avoid a trial," Peter interjected smoothly. "Cami made an honest mistake in her effort to help people. We have great testimonies from her clients and her clean record and history in the neighborhood will help as well."

Her mother stopped pacing and stared at Peter like he'd grown a second head. "Her record won't be clean now! Do you have children Mr. Hendrix?"

Peter's eyes narrowed and he visibly swallowed. "One." Cami was shocked by his answer. She'd only known the man a few days but he seemed all encompassed work. She couldn't help and glance at his ring finger and found it ring less. Mila softened towards him.

"Then you know the love a parent has for their child. We've tried to teach her right and make sure she makes the best choices. Now all that work is for nothing. She'll forever be known as a sex trafficker!" Mila crumpled against the counter as fresh tears errupted from her in a wail. Part of cami felt guilty for what she was putting her parents through. Her parents were all about doing the correct thing and having that squeaky clean reputation. The shame of her mistakes had to be eating at them.

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry. I did what I had to at the time. I should have looked more into the rules and made my business legitimate. I don't regret what I did though. Now if you'll excuse us, we have some work to do," with that Cami stood and headed toward the door. She just hoped Peter was following her.

"Camilla get back here and talk to your mother!" Her dad called out after her. She ignored him and continued out the door to Peter's car.

She opened the door and slid into the passenger seat before burying her face in her hands. This whole situation was a nightmare. She heard the driver side door open and Peter slid inside. He shut the door after him and silence silence filled the car. Cami was sure he'd probably dealt with worse cases then hers but she was completely embarrassed by the situation she was in.

"I'm sorry about them," she finally offered, looking up from her hands. He was sitting with his hands resting gently on the wheel.

"They're just concerned, I get it."

"I'm sure you think this whole situation is crazy."

"It's...unique. I don't think I've ever heard of someone starting a sex therapy group.

"That's me. Unique," she said quietly. Her face burned with humiliation. She'd put off dealing with her parents as long as she could. Taking Peter with her had probably been a bad idea but she'd been hoping he would calm their worries, and stifle her mother's dramatics. In desperation to change the subject she asked, " So do you have a son or a daughter?" She thought she noticed him pale.

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