Getting to Know You

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"I can't believe you agreed," Petra said in disbelief. She was leaning against Cami's headboard flipping through a Vogue magazine. Cami was pulling every single piece of clothing out of her closet. Her date with Clark was in less than an hour and she had nothing to wear.

"Neither can I. But I mean there's something between us. I let the man finger me for heavens sake."

"Don't forget the blow job," Petra piped in without looking up from the magazine. Cami shot her sharp look.

"Yes...and the blowjob." She turned back to her closet, pulling out the last stack of clothes. "P I've got nothing. All my clothes are garbage."

Petra sighed and set Vogue to the side. She eyed Cami up and down. "Those emerald green skinny jeans and the cream colored cold shoulder blouse with your gold jacket." She picked the magazine back up and began flipping. Cami's jaw dropped.

"How do you do that?" She asked as she rifled through the stack finding the pieces Petra mentioned.

"It's a gift darling." Finding everything she pulled her robe off and slipped into the outfit. She turned and looked in the mirror.

"That's not half bad!"

Petra popped up behind her. "Not even close to bad. Now hair, half up half down." They spent the next thirty minutes on hair and makeup. Finally Petra deemed Cami perfect. Just in time the doorbell chimes. "Your even letting him pick you up?" Petra raised one eyebrow.

With a shrug Cami said, "He insisted."

"Hmm, a real gentleman this one. I'm speed dial number one. Just get to a bathroom and call me," she said placing both hands on Cami's shoulders.

"I'm alone with him plenty P. If he was crazy or wanted to hurt me he'd have done it already."

"Well if the date is painfully boring or awkward the offer still stands. Do you want me to wait here?"

Cami bit her lip. If Petra stayed at her place that would gaurentee she didn't invite him in. She'd already determined she wouldn't sleep with him. Even though they'd already been intimate she just wasn't ready for that yet. Maybe after tonight though...

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm not having sex with him," she said resolutely.

Petra rolled her eyes. "You say it yourself darling, there's nothing wrong with casual sex. And you guys seem to like each other." Cami nodded as she grabbed her purse. The doorbell rang again reminded them both that he was waiting. "Let me know how it goes," Petra said calmly. With a quick thumbs up Cami turned and opened the door.

Tonight Clark looked more like the laid back guy he'd been at the meeting. He had on well fitting jeans and a grey shirt with that leather jacket that made her heart beat faster. He grinned at her his blue eyes twinkling, his glasses nowhere in sight.

"You look amazing," he said, giving her a quick up and down glance.

"Told you!" Petra shouted from somewhere in the living room. Clark's eyebrow quirked as Cami's face heated up.

"So are you ready?" She asked, moving out the door and shutting it firmly behind her. His smile grew as he placed his hand on the small of her back and they headed toward the stairs. "Where are we going?"

Clark opened the door leading out of her complex for her and led her over to a motorcycle parked at the curb. "You don't mind a little ride first do you?" Her heart beat with excitement as she reached for the helmet he held out to her.

"Petra would be mortified at what this will do to my hair," Cami said with a grin as she slid the helmet on.

He leaned over, twisting his finger around one of her loose curls. "I won't tell if you won't." He winked and Cami felt heat rising and settling between her legs. This night was going to be harder to get through than she thought.

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