One Night

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Cami fidgeted with her shirt in the mirror as she turned to the side. "Why do you care what you wear, it's not like this is a real date," Alex said while munching on popcorn. He was sitting in Cami's bed with his back resting against the headboard. He'd been home for a week now and she'd forgotten how much she missed having him with her.

"I second that. I think you should wear the ugliest thing you own," Petra said while popping a kernel into her mouth. She turned to Alex and they fist bumped.

Cami turned to face her friends, her eyebrow raised. "Besides, he's a lying pig. He's the reason you were in that mess."

"He's also the reason I'm out of it. I promised him one night and I don't break my promises." Cami turned back to the mirror and after one more quick spin she grabbed her purse. "And he wasn't all bad."

Petra held up her hand in a fist. "He came into our group undercover." She held up one finger. "He gained your trust to learn your secrets." Second finger. "He used your desires as leverage." Third finger. "He sold your life for a freaking story." Fourth finger. "Oh yeah and he basically blackmailed you for this date." She held up her thumb and wiggles her hand in the air. "Five strikes does not a winner make!"

Cami couldn't help but smile at her beat friend. "He didn't blackmail me, it was my idea. And yes he did all those things. It's not like I'm going off to marry the guy. He did me a favor and I'm going to talk with him."

She honestly did feel like she owed him. Everything had panned out better than she could have hoped. When she'd answered the call and heard Peter's voice nerves had attacked her. She wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"I've got news," he said sounding as calm as ever. Cami day up straighter in her chair.

"That was fast. Good or bad?" The line stayed silent for a moment.

"I'd like to tell you in person. Where are you?"

"With Alex."

"I'll be there in ten." She'd turned to Alex, her face ashen in fear.

"It was Peter. He's on his way with news about my case." Alex had instantly set down the pudding. With a trembling hand Cami reached out and held onto his arm. His hand landed on top of hers and they stayed like that for the longest ten minutes of her life. When Peter sailed through the door she practically attacked him. He raised both arms to cup her elbows as she held onto him.

He smiled down at her. "I don't know how you pulled it off but it worked!" Shock hit her like a ton of bricks. It had worked? She'd turned to look at the huge smile now spread across Alex's face.

She looked up at Peter, eyes wide. "It's over?"

"They dropped all charges. You are free to reopen your coffee shop whenever." His eyes softened as he squeezed her arms gently. "You did it," he said softly. She pulled him into a fierce hug.

"We did it," she mumbled against his suit jacket. They had stood there for a moment, savoring their victory. "Thank you Peter," she said finally pulling away from him. She looked into his hazel eyes, hoping he could see the sincerity there.

He smiled warmly. "It was my pleasure Cami. Now, please don't get into anymore trouble. I'd hate to have to keep seeing you like this." He gave her arm a final squeeze before lifting a hand up in a gesture of goodbye to Alex. She watched him walk out the door. He only paused for a moment to look back at her, a handsome smile on his face.

After he disappeared down the hall she turned to Alex. With a bright smile she plopped down next to him feeling lighter. "I think he likes you," he said resuming his pudding eating. Cami laughed gently.

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