A Sting

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The next day Clark didn't show at the coffee shop. The day moved by slowly and Cami felt slightly off center. She wondered why he didn't show. He'd been there every day since the Damien fiasco. Maybe he had a meeting or an appointment and had forgot to mention it. She distinctly remembered he'd said "I'll see you tomorrow lovely."

Alex took notice of their missing patron. "Where's your friend today?" He asked, his eyebrow raised.

Cami shrugged her shoulders. "He's allowed to miss a day or two." Inside worry fluttered through her belly. Had he not enjoyed their date? Luckily Petra had ideas to help distract her from her constantly turning mind.

"What if we kidnap him?" She asked, chewing on the end of her pen.

Cami looked at her startled. "What the heck P? And do what with him? Hog tie him in the basement?"

Alex snorted into his cup of coffee. "That's not a bad idea."

"Wait, wait, wait...there's a basement here?" Cami and Alex exchanges a look before bursting out in laughter. "What? Cause that changes all my plans!" Cami shook her head with a smile. She only half doubted that Petra would actually lock Damien in a basement.

They were not fond of each other. When Cami had pounded on Petra's door, crying hysterically and bruised all over, it took all her strength not to find him and kill him then.

"Did Damien do this to you?" She ground out between clenched teeth.

"It's over P. H...he broke off the engagement."

"All for the better. Now I'm going to break his dick off!" She'd stood quickly and Cami collapsed at her feet.

"Please stay P!" She'd wailed, "P..please don't leave me." Her face had been swollen with tears, angry bruises marring her bronze skin. Petra has sat down, holding her friend close while she cried all night. Inside rage burned waiting to lash out.

Petra didn't have the greatest upbringing. Her father was a drunk and a gambler. When he was stabbed in an alley her mother started turning tricks to make ends meet. The two girls had grown up next to each other. Basically sisters. There were too many nights to count that Petra slept at Cami's house while her mom entertained.

As a teen and an adult Petra never wanted to feel out of control. She had no say as a child and she watched her parents spiral to early graves. She'd determined to never be like them. Cami was her only family and she'd do anything to protect her.

"We still have a few days," Cami said, resting her head on Petra's shoulder. "We'll figure out something."

"I'll help any way I can," Alex reaches over to hold Cami's hand. The three of them stayed there, unmoving. Sharing their strength. Finally Petra stood up. She shoved her notebook and pen back in her bag and used her long legs to stride to the door.

"I've got to get back to my day job darling. I'll see you tonight." Cami knew the emotions swirling were too much for her friend. And the fact that they couldn't come up with any solutions had to be irritating her.

Alex stayed at Cami's request for help close. He could tell there were things she wasn't telling him and he could sense her fear. He was wiping off the tables as Cami stacked some used paperbacks she kept handy on the bookshelf. An older detective mystery book caught her eye. Flipping through it she felt her eyes go wide as she looked up at Alex. "I know what to do."

Friday dawned and Cami was nervous. Clark was still missing from the shop and she was worried about him. She didn't know his last name, his phone number, or where he lived. She had no way of checking up on him and making sure he was ok. He'd pulled a Houdini and it unsettled her. And today was the day Damien was coming.

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