Bokuto Koutaro - Passion (Part One)

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A/N: sprinkling a pinch of angst cus y not (the tension tho) but don't worry its half fluff <3


Bokuto Koutaro - Passion (Part One)

"Is that the best you can do?" You shout, breathing heavily. Bokuto is your friendly and energetic neighbor and schoolmate, but when he found out that you were also a volleyball player, he challenged you every week. At first, it was like a normal and friendly practice for the sake of your school's name. But as time passed by, it was some sort of rivalry. The two of you wanted to show off at each other and to find out who's the best. Even if you were a girl, you were too fired up. The passion both of you held were unending. And for the time being, you were better than him.

Could it be luck?, you asked yourself the first time you beat him. But everytime, it was you who would win. You kept trying to clear things with him, if he was letting you win. But he was clearly not. Ever since that incident, your pride grew bigger, and you lowkey try to insult him about it. A friendly insult, though.

"I'll win this time!" He shout back. You smirked as you dribbled the ball before serving.

"Then you need to be better to do so." You started your serve, and he received it perfectly. Feeling slightly defeated with that flawless receive, you did your best to block him with his attack. And you did.

"Oi, Bokuto, hit me with your best attack! Quit going easy on me!" You retorted. He glares at you from the other side, but smiles.

"I'm not going easy on you. I never will," he exclaimed.

"Bring it on!"

After winning the nth set, you decided to rest for a while. Sitting next to Bokuto on a bench, he starts to feel really down. You didn't want that to happen though, because you knew about his emo mode that his friend Akaashi told you about once when you saw each other inside the campus. You were about to say something when he started.

"I... I've been wanting to kick your ass all week. You're too good to be true, and it pisses me off." He groaned. Hearing that from him, you couldn't help but get pissed as well.

"Then beat me with that anger of yours! Beat me, Bokuto. At least once!" You raged. He clutched his fist and clenched his teeth in response. If you wanted to be honest, you really wanted to see him win again. Instead of rivalry, you now had the urge to help him and show him your tricks. You gulped water into your throat and stood up.

"Come on, let me show you." You said as you walked back inside the court, facing your back at him.

"Huh? Show me what?"

"How I manage to win," you said and he followed you inside. Showing the tricks up your sleeve, he couldn't help but be amazed. You had so much potential, and it made his heart skip.

"N-Nice moves," he complimented and you smiled, making him blush slightly.

"Now, you try."

He tried. He tried again. And again. And again. But he couldn't do it.

"It's alright," you assured him when he was starting to get frustrated, "try again. You'll get the hang of it."

When he couldn't do it again, you decided to show it to him again.

"Watch and learn." You almost did it, but the floor became slippery and you lost your balance.

"Woah!" Before you could fall and hit your head on the concrete, a strong pair of arms captured you. It was none other than Bokuto. His face was closer than you imagined.

"Y-You're... really close right now," you pointed out. He snapped out of it and let go of you.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" He asked, scanning you.

"Yes, I am. What about you? Are you okay? You're really red right now." You pointed out once again. He slightly covers his face, and you thought it'd be best to wrap it up for today.

"Well then, see you tomorrow, Bokuto!"

"See ya!"

Bonus Ending:

"Hey, hey, hey! Did you see that, (L/N)? I did it!" Bokuto cheered.

Practicing in the gym inside the campus, the both of you haven't been a rival for a few weeks. You kept teaching each other new tricks, making the two of you stronger as ever.

Trying a new quick by changing each other's position, you can't help but get out of balance and always being saved by Bokuto. The last time you did, it was really nerve wracking. You were on top of him again, and this time, the both of you are helplessly a blushing mess.

"D-Do we always end up on top of each other?" Bokuto slightly smirked as he breathed heavily.

"How many times to I have to tell you? It's an accident," you answered, still on top of him. Your faces were inches apart, and you both can hear the fast beating of each other's hearts.

Smoothly, Bokuto teased you. "If it's always an accident, then why don't you just kiss me directly?"

With a huge grin on your face, you replied to him.

"I'll consider kissing you once you beat me."


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