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- harper's ootd ^^ -

We arrived at school with 10 minutes to homeroom. Fashionably early. I let myself out of the back before letting my bag rest on my back and looking at the entrance to the huge school before me.

There were students scattered around the front of the school as always. The jocks by the most impressive car in the car park, the cliché 'popular girls' fixing their makeup in the wing mirrors of the Lamborghinis their precious daddy's bought them for simply existing. There were your classics cliques in the school and in a way, us three musketeers fit into three different groups but we stuck together when we weren't in our separate classes. Amie was a quiet girl when around other people, she was incredibly smart and had always gotten at least a B+ in all of her subjects, her favourites being art, english literature and math. It was cute, the way her blue eyes twinkled in adoration whenever she spoke to us about a new art project she had and her ideas for it. I'm pretty sure she aspired to be an artist or a baker or something else sweet and innocent like that, and I knew she'd achieve whatever it was she put her mind to.

Jason, however, was one of the most well known boys in the school. He was forever playing some sort of sport whether it was either football, baseball or basketball. I didn't quite know how he had time to practise all three but football was his main priority and he'd received multiple scholarships from all around the US, asking him to play sports for them. He enjoyed the attention but it was obvious to Amie and I that he was never really himself unless he was around either of us two. He was a real goofball but was a good student and all the teachers admired him. All the girls admired him as-well, meaning every morning I received death glares from a girl he's been hooking up with all summer. I think her names Kendra? Kendall? I don't know and I don't really care either, she's adamant that me and Jason are a thing which we just laugh at whenever the subjects brought up.

Girls are just something else sometimes.

I knew I didn't just receive looks because of Jason though, I had attracted a bit of attention for other reasons. I didn't dress like everyone else, I loved taking pride in the putting my vintage outfits together and I enjoyed when people looked at my clothing, even if they were looking thought i looked 'weird'. I'd been asked out a couple of times from cute guys, but politely declined, telling them 'I'm really not looking for anything serious at the moment but it'd be cool to still hang out, as friends.' The majority of them graciously took my friendly offer but there was one who had clear anger issues and didn't refrain from calling me a slut, among other words. Which was fair enough, I was a bit of a slut, but it's my body so I'll sleep with who I like, as long as they want to sleep with me too. I hadn't been asked out by any girls yet which was a bit of a bummer, but I noticed some cute girls checking me out in gym and in the showers, I didn't really mind it though even though some claim it is an invasion of privacy. They look with lust, rather than the grimy, 'rough sex' look guys look at me with. I didn't label my sexuality, to others I suppose I'm bisexual but I feel no need to label myself, at least for the time being. I just like who I like. I'd also attracted attention from some teachers too, not in a creepy way though thank god. 

The gym coach, Mr Moore, seemed to have taken a liking to me. It's probably seeing as I'm the only one who actually enjoys gym class and I've already agreed to be in soccer club. I took sports as an A-level back home although it was mostly coursework and no actual exercise. Mr Harris, my Psychology teacher, also took a liking to me. Purely because I'm British and 'say words funny'. We'd spent a whole lesson talking about how it's 'herb' rather than 'herb'. You know what I mean.

Amie snapped me out of my daze by grabbing my wrist and pulling my towards the front entrance as Jason waved us off to meet up with his fellow footballers.

"Omg!! Harper you got another tattoo?!" Amie squealed and stopped right in the school entrance.

"Oh yeah, I thought i'd told you but. guess not. Do you like it?" I chuckled and let her take my right hand into hers as she admired my newest inking. Isaac's friend had tattooed me before but over the weekend I asked for another. A gorgeous daisy that was placed over my hand and stretched up my wrist.

"I love it, it's beautiful. Is it allowed?" The blue eyed beauty questioned as she held my hand once again and walked me towards our homeroom with Mr Harris.

"I don't know, but it's a bit late now so, oh well." Amie nodded and let out a giggle before diving into her pale pink backpack and getting out her schedule. I memorised mine by the second day as it was must easier to than the schedule's we received in England.

Homeroom Mr H: 7:05 - 7:10
1st Period Mr H: 7:15 - 8:10 -Psychology
2nd Period Mrs B: 8:15 - 9:10 - English Lit
3rd Period: 9:35 - 10:40 - FREE
4th Period Mr M: 10:45 - 11:50 - Phys Ed.
5th Period: 12:55 - 1.50
6th Period: 1:55 - 3:00

I was grateful to have a break after the first 2 periods, we could go to the cafeteria and have toast or bagels or we could go to the library and do work that we'd left till last minute. And since I had period 5 and 6 free I could leave after lunch. However, last week I spent period 5 and 6 in the Music room. I wasn't a music student but I always loved both playing and listening. It was usually empty as music lessons were periods 3 and 4 so I'd often sit with Mr T and play the piano or guitar. It was relaxing and he understood my need to have a bit of alone time with just the sound of music in my ears.

We were outside Mr Harris' room now for homeroom and I was waiting for Amie to stop talking to other art nerds about some mural they were doing.

"Shit Amie I forgot to get my psychology stuff from my locker." I stupidly exclaimed. As i told her to go in without me. My locker was about a 2 minute walk away but I only had 2 minutes until the tardy bell as everyone tried their hardest to be as close to late as possible without being late. I ran to my locker and ran back with only 1 minute of homeroom to spare. Mr H wouldn't mind though, after all I had a whole period with him now. I opened the door slowly, ready to apologise, but foolishly tripped into the room and stubbed my toe.

"Ow! Shitting fuck! Jesus Mary and Joseph, fuck my life." Okay yes maybe my bad language is a little much but stubbing your toe makes you want to chop off your whole foot to distract the pain.

A few giggles were heard around the classroom as I let go of my foot and opened my eyes to see someone who was definitely not 57 year old, bald Mr Harris.

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