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I didn't talk to anyone on Tuesday. Jason and Amie picked me up and asked what was wrong. I just told them that I ran into Bryce and they understood. Even Ms Gonzalez actually tried to converse but I knew she didn't really care so I just said I was fine and got on with my work. Raven tried to talk to me too. She's sweet so I let her down easy and she got the message.

By Wednesday lunch time I was back to myself, more or less, and surprisingly, 5 minutes early to detention.

"Hey Ms, no fear, your favourite student is here." I announced my presence with a jokey curtesy and made my way to my desk.

"Hmm. Far from it I'm afraid. But I see you're back to cracking jokes again, you seemed much more chipper in class today instead of yesterday." I liked how she gave me her full attention she spoke to me, it made her even more attractive. She was wearing her hair up today, so I admired her slender neck that had a gold chain resting on it. She had black blouse on with black work trousers and her heels. How does she even have functioning feet after wearing heels all the time. I trip over wearing vans. Her makeup was subtle as always, but anyone could tell she was naturally stunning. I mean, her lips were just...

"Is there something on my face, Harper?" Shiver me timbers she's so hot. I mean I just said shiver me timbers! I knew I should stop staring but the smugness in her question made me smirk.

"Nothing that shouldn't be Ms Gonzalez." I replied back. "How are you?"

She was definitely taken back with my upfront question but I had no work to do and she was able to regain composure quickly enough

"I'm doing good Miss Carrey, and yourself."

"I'm good."

"Glad to hear it. Miss Carrey." She paused but then looked back to me with an eyebrow raised as if she remembered something important to ask. "I've heard you partake in the soccer team." She was leaning her elbows on the edge of her desk and her head resting on her two index fingers.

"Partake? As in I do it? You're so well spoken Ms Gonzalez, it has to be appreciated. And yes I do indeed partake in soccer club. Well, starting tonight anyway." I readjusted and placed my hands in my palms.

"I see. I'll see you there then."

I let out a playful scoff, "No offence Ms, but I think you're a little too old to be in the High School's Soccer club."

"Wow, rude!" Her hand clutched where her heart is in an overly dramatic manner as she let out a chuckle. Yes! I made her laugh. 3 days in and I got a chuckle out of her. "And for your information Harper, I'll be joining Mr Moore in coaching, I seem to have a better idea of women's soccer than he does."

"No way, I didn't see you as the soccer type. Did you play in high school?" That question was basically just an indirect way of me asking if she liked girls.

"I did, it was a good few years for me." Hmm I bet it was.

"Did you play back in England?" Holy shit is she... Taking an interest in my life??

"I did actually, played with the same team since I was 9 years old."

"I bet you miss your team."

"Everyday. Did you grow up here?" Who cares about detention being a punishment when I could learn about my teacher, who I found myself growing more and more fond of.

"No. New York."

"That's sick! I've always wanted to go there."

She giggled at my excitement and I swear that giggle made my stomach feel like there was a fire in my stomach. Butterflies? I don't know but it made me weirdly happy. We spent the rest of detention was spent discussing unimportant things like how school was going, for both of us, and transitioning from England to America. Nothing too personal but it was so easy to talk to her. I admired how good she was at keeping a conversation.

In the end, the bell rang and I left the classroom and headed towards the music department. I'd usually head home but I had soccer after school and 2 free period until then so I might as-well play some random guitar tunes with Mr T.

Me T was definitely one of my favourite teachers. He was only 27 at the most and a pretty handsome guy. He was around 6,2 and had chestnut hair with natural blonde streaks that spread to his stubble. His hair complimented his grey eyes that showed an obvious sparkle whenever he spoke about something he loved. Which was usually music and productions.

"Hey Harp! Free periods again?"

"Yep! I was hoping to mess around in here for a bit with some weird instruments or something?."

"Use whatever you want kid."


I set myself down on a stool at the front of the room and checked my phone before putting it back in my backpack and taking a stroll around the room for a musical instrument inspiration.

"Actually Harper." Mr T brought me out of my daydream. "You don't happen to sing? Do you? It's just, Principle Davis wants me to pick a student to do a short performance at the senior's Christmas Party thing and although you're not a music student I think you'd suit the role better. I mean my students are obviously more trained but they're also kind of... Overly confident at times?"

I couldn't help but let out a laugh through my nose at his choice of wording to describe his senior music students. All the singers were all incredibly full of themselves and I knew that if they were to perform at anything for school they'd make the audience feel incredibly uncomfortable. However, I didn't sing in front of anyone, I didn't even know if I was good.

"I mean, I sing in the shower but that's about the extent of my professionalism when it comes to performing." We shared a laugh at my joke but he kept his eyes on me. He didn't believe that I wasn't good enough, although I highly doubted I was.

"Try something for me? If you don't want to you can say no, but I just have a feeling."

"I mean, okay sure!" "I've got a couple of hours to waste, why not."

He set up a mic in front of the stool at the front of the room and asked me to sit. We started off by running through some scales, I didn't really know if I was doing it right but I glanced at his smile over the piano and went along with it. It was really relaxing and he was really good at making me feel comfortable.

I mean, I wasn't going to perform in front of every senior and every teacher. But it passed the time before my first soccer practice.

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