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After the whole Ella situation I did some homework and had an early night. I decided against checking up on her. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea but I also thought her parents could have her phone and my introduction to that family had already gone badly enough. 

It was Thursday. I love Thursdays, I think, in a way, they're the most exiting day of the week as you can prepare for Friday night plans, Saturday night plans and the Sunday hangover before a new week. I got ready for school as usual, picking out a chill outfit for the day and drank a glass of orange juice in anticipation for Jason beeping his horn when he was outside. 

"Damn, so you think he's finna like, come after you or?" I was informing Jason and Amie on yesterday's antics as he parked in the familiar school car park. They were fairly used to me getting into these sorts of situations but they still worried about me. Cuties.

"No idea mate, guess I'll have to keep an eye out." I replied as we piled out of his car. 

"Well let me know if you need anything or a place to crash if you feel unsafe Harp." We did our weird bro handshake, back pat thing before he jogged over to his jock friends and Amie and I continued our journey to homeroom.

"Sooooo," The redhead beside me began, "Since you didn't get to finish with Ella last night, how about we go out tomorrow night and get fucked up and end up going home with random hot girls?" Amie was bi aswell, but she leaned more towards guys. It was rare that she hooked up with a girl but months of fucking guys meant that she probably hadn't actually had an orgasm.

"Ugh yes that's exactly what I need, how about we go to Tina's?" Tina's was a pretty popular gay bar in town and Friday nights were girl's nights meaning we'd definitely find a one night stand there. 

"Great! We can get ready together at yours right?"

"Of course, love." I answered as we took our seats in homeroom. 

The day flew by as all I was really thinking about was going out the next night. Being a party animal was one of my personality traits since I first got bladdered in a random park in Wales at 13 and since then I became unstoppable. I hadn't been able to speak to Ella as she wasn't in any of my classes but I sure had received many dirty looks from her minions in my classes and the corridors, Amie also mentioned that in the cafeteria, at lunch she looked a bit run down, bless her. However, I wasn't in the caf to see her since I had lunchtime detention with my bestie Ms Gonzalez. She was already in a bad mood with me as I'd been zoning out all day which meant that detention was done in silence and her avoiding my gaze except from the occasional glare when I tapped my pen or bounced my leg too much. 

Friday went by quickly also, I was reminded in my last lunchtime detention that there was a soccer match on Saturday morning and I'd have to be at school by 6:30am to leave for 7. No point sulking though, and a weekend school activity was not going to stop me from getting drunk (and laid) on Friday night.

-- (sexy scene warning) --

It was 10pm on Friday and Amie was adding the finishing touches to her outfit as I was pregaming with a litre bottle of Smirnoff. 

One thing I'd learned from being in America is that Americans are fucking lightweights. 

Anyway, I took another gulp from the bottle. I was feeling pretty femme tonight so my outfit consisted of a lace bodysuit, tight skirt and heels. I looked hot, and my tits looked good too. Amie looked amazing, as always, in her short, red dress. Once she had sprayed the two of us with perfume, I finished the Smirnoff bottle and we called a cab for Tina's.

 Once she had sprayed the two of us with perfume, I finished the Smirnoff bottle and we called a cab for Tina's

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We used our fake ID's and got in easily

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We used our fake ID's and got in easily. The biggest scam is finally being able to drink legally in the UK and moving to the US where you have to wait another 3 years, but my fake ID kept me sane. The loud music and vibe of the bar immediately got me in the mood to get drunk so I drug Amie to the bar and ordered us 5 shots each and ordered myself a rum and coke. 

"Hey Harper! My favourite girl, how you doin' baby." I'd recognise that Boston accent anywhere and my suspicions were correct as my favourite bartender Bella came into my view and took over in making our drinks.

"I'm so good Bella how are you!" We continued to chat as I downed my shots, and 2 of Amie's since she got pissed just from sniffing alcohol sometimes,  until she had to serve other people and the drinks began to have an effect on me. 

Me and my ginger friend made our way to the dance floor and began screaming the lyrics to some absolute bangers that were being played. Time passed quickly and before I knew it Amie was grinding on a hot stud and I was being held from behind by a hot girl named Jo. The drinks had relaxed me almost too much as I let her grind he hips into my ass, driving me crazy. I turned to face the pretty girl and took in her appearance before putting my hands around her slender neck and practically sharing my rum and coke with her through our kiss. Soon enough, I was letting Amie know I was leaving with this Jo girl as she straddled the stud from earlier on the sofa's in the corner. 

Jo and I shared a cab on our way back to hers, we also practically shared a seat, and saliva, as we made out in the back seat. 

As soon as we entered her flat I was pushed against the front door and her soft hands were roaming all over my body as her tongue explored my entire mouth. We managed to kick off our heels without our lips breaking contact. This is what I needed after my week full of detentions.

Pure lust filled the space as we groped as much of each other as we could. I soon switched our positions and guided her towards the kitchen of her open plan apartment. I pushed her against the counters as I let my hands go under her tight dress and lift is up over her ass and eventually over her head. She lifted a leg up to my side and tried to grind herself into me while I let my lips trace down her neck and sucking on it before going beck to her lips. I lifted the girl up onto her counter to get more access to her bare chest as her fingers tangled in my hair. My left hand was holding her lower back and my right was grazing over the dampness that covered her lacy thong while my tongue traced over her nipple. Her nipple hardened in my mouth and she let out a load girlish moan when I ripped the thong that was in the way of me tasting her. She held herself on the counter with her elbows, throwing her head back and letting out even louder moans as I licked away the wetness as it arrived. 

I worked till she came and began to clean up the mess I'd made but before I could she'd jumped down from the counter and leading me towards her couch. I was thrown onto my back as she sucked and bit at my neck, surely creating huge bruises but the ecstasy of the feeling of her hands going under my skirt and ripping open the body suit kept me distracted. She pulled the lace over my head and left sloppy kisses all over my naked chest before unzipping my skirt and letting her hand get to work as she kneaded my breasts with her other hand. I could help but let out load moans as she dipped her fingers inside me. 

She fucked me on the couch, then I fucked her on the floor next to the couch after we'd rolled off, then she led me to her bed and we returned the favours a couple of times. 

Before we both fell into a well deserved, deep sleep.

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