its been you

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"i can't wait for the fourth of july!" jonah cheered, swinging his arm over daniel's shoulders.

"why?" daniel asked, biting into his burger.

"jack and i hit every party possible. the fourth is our best day out of the entire year. with the gram bags and 4 by 4's, we're talking thousands. thousands, dan!" jonah said, smiling. "and then we head back to the shop, and we get fucking plastered! that's one step past being dry-walled." jonah said, taking a sip of his sprite.

"i've never drank either." daniel mumbled, watching as a ruby-red 1970 model mustang pulled up to the diner. "shit." daniel mumbled, looking at jonah. it appeared that he had also seen the vehicle pull up.

out stepped corbyn besson, zach at his side. the two walked into the diner together, and corbyn immediately took notice of the way jonah and daniel were sitting.

they were in the same seat, extremely close to each other. jonah's arm was swung around daniel.

"let's get out of here." jonah said, pulling daniel out of the seat by his neck.

"we have to pay!" daniel said.

"fuck paying, we steal here, remember?" jonah said, spitting at the tile next to corbyn's foot. daniel looked back at the blond's expression. he looked hurt, and daniel couldn't help but feel bad.

"could you just drive me home? i'm feeling a bit sick after eating that much." daniel mumbled, hopping into the passenger side of jonah's truck.

"i guess. the fourth is in three days, be over at jack's at eleven. you hear?" jonah asked, pulling a cigarette out of it's box.

"yep." daniel said, lighting jonah's cigarette for him.

the ride home was quiet—well, somewhat quiet. jonah's shitty rock music was blasting, but at least it wasn't country. every few minutes jonah's cigarette ash would land on daniel's arms and slightly burn him, but it was okay.

"where do you live?" daniel asked as jonah parked outside in the driveway.

"that's not important. bye, dan. i'll see you on the fourth." jonah said, setting his cigarette down in the ash tray he had on the dash. daniel nodded as he got out of the truck, waving to jonah as he left.

"someone is finally home!" keri said as daniel entered his home.

"yeah, just been busy out with.. friends." keri smiled.

"at least you're making some. head out to the backyard, dad is grilling."

"i already ate, but maybe i'll be back later." daniel said as he headed upstairs and into his room. he locked the door behind him, grabbing his phone from his pocket.

he clicked corbyn's contact, calling him.

"please pick up.." daniel thought.


"hey, it's daniel. it's not what it looked like today at the diner—"

"i know, daniel. you don't need to tell me. i'm not interested, anyway. besides, jonah would never touch a man like that."

daniel swallowed the lump in his throat.

"yeah, i know you don't. we're just friends. you wouldn't like me like that. we barely know each other, it's not like—"

"what did you call me for?" corbyn asked on the other line.

"oh right! i um," daniel quickly thought of an excuse. "i just wanted to know if you'd like to go star gazing?"

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