its been you

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"tell me all the details!" zach said as him and corbyn filled dimebags.

"what is there to tell? i just arrived at the shop, walked in, and shot him." corbyn said. as far as zach knew, corbyn had shot jonah like he had been told to do for months prior. but to corbyn, he did it for daniel. just like he had told jonah he'd do.

"this will for sure set them back. we can catch up on business now, since jonah practically babies those two." zach said.

"yeah, yeah." corbyn mumbled, shaking his head in agreement. "i actually have some errands to run, but i'll be back in a bit. are you crashing here?" corbyn asked.

"sure, it's pretty late." zach said, filling the last bag.

"alright. the guest room upstairs is ready when you are." corbyn said as he got up from the kitchen table, heading out to his mustang.


daniel sighed as he weighed out yet another gram bag. he had to work at home so him and jack wouldn't fall behind while jonah recovered from the incident. recently, jack and daniel had found adults who were interested in cocaine, so a large portion of their business came from them.

as daniel zipped the baggie shut, his phone vibrated. he gently set down the baggie, picking up his phone, reading the notification.

'look outside.'

daniel's brows scrunched as he got up from his desk, looking out his bedroom window.


daniel was out of the house as fast as possible, sprinting down the driveway to corbyn's car parked out front. he quickly got into the mustang, closing the door behind him.

"hey, you finally decided to acknowledge my existence." daniel said jokingly.

"mhmm. don't make me regret it." corbyn said, putting the car into drive.

"where are we going?" daniel asked, watching out the window.

"star gazing. i'm sorry we couldn't go last night, i was busy with something." daniel shrugged.

"it's alright. you hear about jonah?" corbyn nodded.

"word gets around quickly, huh?"

"yeah. it's really going to set us back. i hope he recovers fast. we need him, y'know." daniel mumbled.

"it's not the first time jonah has gotten shot. it's happened before. deal gone bad, street fight. he's tough. he'll pull through."

"that's the kindest thing i've ever heard you say about him." daniel said.

"well, he used to be my best friend. i'll always have a special spot in my heart for him." daniel smiled.

"two whole worlds colliding." daniel said, looking over at the blond.

"you're a different breed, daniel. you're hard to find. you're innocent. you're caring, and you help other people. almost everyone here only do things to their benefit."

"so?" daniel asked, a grin on his face.

"so what? i'm just telling you how it is. i aspire to find someone like you."

"well i'm always here." daniel said.

"that's why i said someone like you. not you. i've told you, we'd never work out." corbyn said, pulling into the park. like last time, he parked on the grass, but this time they watched from the car.

"who do you think shot jonah?" daniel asked, closing his eyes as he rested against the headrest, unbuckling his seatbelt.

"i don't know. someone whose upset with him, i suppose. life is crazy here."

"yeah, tell me about it."

"your wounds are healing." corbyn said, running his thumb along daniel's cut lip. daniel opened his eyes, watching corbyn's face as he felt daniel's skin.

"mhmm." daniel hummed, feeling as corbyn dragged his finger down to his chin, using his index finger and thumb to tilt his head up. slowly, corbyn leaned in, placing his lips onto daniel's. daniel let his eyes flutter shut as corbyn kissed him.

daniel didn't really know what he was doing, but by following corbyn's lead he did okay. when corbyn pulled away, daniel sighed. the two looked at each other for a moment. daniel couldn't help but lean back in, placing his lips atop of corbyn's.

daniel brought his hand up to corbyn's cheek, pulling him closer. daniel could feel himself become aroused, and for that reason he pulled away.

"back seat?" daniel asked, glancing down at his groin. corbyn glanced down as well, thinking for a moment.

"we shouldn't." corbyn mumbled, looking back up at the stars. "but at least you got your first kiss." corbyn said, glancing over at daniel.

"i thought we'd never work out?" daniel teased.

"we won't. one kiss is completely different than being in love." corbyn said.

"actually, we kissed twice." daniel said. "and you didn't stop me the second time."

"the two people i've had sex with were random hook-ups, daniel. it's possible to kiss someone without any feelings attached." corbyn said, keeping his eyes to the sky.

"whatever you say, c." daniel said, looking back up at the sky as well.

"c?" corbyn asked, looking back at daniel.

"something wrong with it?" daniel asked.

"no, i just didn't know we were going by nicknames now." corbyn said, grinning. "so, dani, you've drank, you've had your first kiss, what's left?"

"have sex, get high. formally attend a party, not just rummage through them for money—or get my ass beat, and i think that's it. then i guess i'll be a real teenager'."

"you don't have to do those things to be a real teenager, you know." corbyn said, grabbing daniel's shoulder.

"it would still be nice to have sex though, you know? maybe just try to feel like i fit in." daniel said, looking over at corbyn.

"well, i guess i can help you fit it. back seat?" corbyn asked, grinning. daniel smiled as the two of them got into the back seat. daniel sat in the middle of the back row, corbyn on the car floor infront of him. daniel breathed heavily as corbyn unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles. next, corbyn tugged daniel's boxers down to mid thigh, grabbing daniel's erection.

"oh fuck me." daniel mumbled, grabbing hold of corbyn's hair.

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