its been you

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daniel woke up to a pounding headache and an empty stomach. he had remembered absolutely zero details of the night before, and he didn't exactly know if he wanted to, either. breakfast with the family was awkward. daniel hadn't been there for weeks now, so when he finally was he was bombarded with questions.

daniel was out of the house as fast as possible, driving to corbyn's. he hoped he hadn't said anything stupid to the blond as he pulled up to the house. he knocked on the door, waiting for corbyn to answer it.

after there was no answer, daniel knocked again.

"did i say something last night?" daniel mumbled to himself, knocking one last time. finally, there was an answer, and corbyn stepped out of the house in only a robe.

"can i help you?" corbyn asked, crossing his arms.

"you're going to be really disappointed in me when i tell you this, but last night i went over to jonah's and-"

"you drank. even after i warned you not to." corbyn cut daniel off. daniel furrowed his brows.

"oh. did i come over here last night? i'm sorry, corbyn. i don't remember a thing." daniel said, smiling.

"yeah. yeah you did. and you said some fucked up shit, too. maybe you were right, daniel. maybe we shouldn't speak to each other. 'better off like that, huh?" corbyn snapped.

daniel had a worried look on his face.

"wait—what did i say?" daniel asked.

"first you started by confessing your love for me, embarrassing right? and then.." corbyn paused. "you tried kissing me, and then you wanted to.. get sexual, and told me i'd be good at it because i sleep around." corbyn seethed.

daniel felt his heart pick up.

"i-i was drunk, corbyn. i didn't mean any of that, you know me, i wouldn't-"

"no, daniel. apparently i don't know you, at all. you know, for a while i thought we'd be able to be friends. you never asked for money, you never insulted me, you were genuine. hell, you wanted to go fuckin' star gazing. nobody ever wants to do shit with me. but apparently, you're just like everyone else. you got beat to a fucking pulp by jonah, and you headed off with him five minutes later? he doesn't care about you, daniel! he never will!"

"he does care about me, corbyn! he would've left if he didn't!"

"keep telling yourself that, daniel." and with that, corbyn headed back inside, slamming the door shut.

the drive to marais mechanics was silent. daniel didn't listen to music, he didn't hum a tune, he didn't even think. he just drove. when daniel pulled up, he slammed his car door shut before storming into the shop.

"fuck you for getting me drunk!" daniel yelled, shoving jonah.

"woah, what are you talking about?" jonah asked.

"you let me get drunk even though you fucking knew i didn't want to!" daniel said, shoving jonah again. "do you even care about me?" daniel asked, tears swelling in his eyes.

"don't be ridiculous, dan. of course i care about you. are you still drunk or something?" jonah asked.

"that's not even my name." daniel said, gently wiping a tear away.

"it's daniel." jonah said, crossing his arms. "i'm not as dumb as i fucking look, dan. you should get home, you're obviously quite upset. quit screaming at me before i re-open those wounds, yeah?" jonah said, turning daniel around by his shoulders.

"where am i supposed to go now?" daniel thought as he got back into his car, putting his head down on the wheel.


a week had passed without hearing from corbyn. daniel couldn't keep him off of his mind. he thought of him around jonah, during every deal, breakfast with jo & jack, before bed, in the shower—basically all of the time.

daniel had sent a countless amount of texts in the last few hours. he left voicemails, he had done everything.

daniel pondered for a moment before sending yet another text.

'hey, do you wanna go star gazing?'

the text read. daniel fell back onto his bed, his phone laying on his night stand. minutes passed, and there was still no reply. nearly an hour later, daniel's phone buzzed. daniel quickly picked up his phone.

"jonah." daniel thought, answering the call. "hello?" daniel asked, sitting up in bed.

"hey, dan. i'm uh—shit." jonah seethed on the other line.

"are you okay? you sound like you're in pain." daniel said, worried.

"yeah, i am. it could always be worse, though. get over to the shop, right now. and hurry."

"oh.. okay! coming now." daniel said, hanging up. he hurried over to his window, opening it. he grabbed a hoodie, pulling it over his head. he dropped out of the window, hitting the ground with a thud. he hurried down to his car, pulling out of the driveway as fast as possible.

the streets were busier than usual, so daniel was a bit slower than he'd usually be.

when he pulled up to marais mechanics, jonah was propped up against one of the pillars in the shop.

"holy shit, are you okay?" daniel asked, getting out of his car.

"no, dan! obviously not!" jonah said, wincing in pain.

daniel felt his adrenaline begin to pump as he approached jonah. there was a small pool of blood on the floor. jonah held a rag on his leg, applying pressure to what daniel assumed was a wound.

"what happened? why are you here this late?" daniel asked, crouching down.

"someone shot me, okay dan? just—just drive me home."

"what the fuck? why didn't you shoot them back? you could've died if it hit an artery—who did this to you?" daniel asked, helping jonah up.

"it doesn't matter who did it, dan. just drive me home. this is really going to set us back, you jack and i. you'll have to do shit by yourselves for a couple days or so—"

"no, jo. tell me who did this to you." daniel said, helping jonah get into the passenger side seat. jonah remained quiet besides the directions he gave.

daniel caught his lip between his teeth when he pulled up to jonah's house. it was right on the outside of town, and it wasn't too big; old looking, though. it was alright looking, some would say it wasn't good enough for garden city.

"i'll help you get inside." daniel said, helping jonah out of the car and up the stairs.

"thanks, dan." jonah said, opening the door to his house.

"yeah, that's what.. friends are for." daniel said. jonah nodded.

"watch out for corbyn, okay?" jonah said.

"okay?" daniel said.

"stay safe, dan." daniel nodded as he headed back to his car, getting in.

"watch out for corbyn.."

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