its been you

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corbyn didn't listen as zach ranted on about lord knows what.

"are you listening?" zach snapped.

"yeah, yeah." corbyn said, taking a swig of the beer he had.

"what am i talking about then?" zach asked, turning off the television.

"jonah." corbyn said, getting up to turn it back on. "that's all you ever talk about." zach rolled his eyes.

"i want him gone, corbyn."

"then do something about it yourself! i'm not shooting him, zach! i know you're pissed they're stealing our business, but that doesn't mean i'm going to murder him!" corbyn snapped.

"i'll do it then. we're bound to run in to him at a party on the fourth. it's one day away, corbyn. if i see him, i'm shooting."

"you're out of here then. pack up your supplies and fucking leave. i don't need your shit." corbyn said, setting his beer bottle down.

zach thought for a moment.

"fine, whatever. let's start getting things ready for the fourth, yeah?" zach asked. corbyn nodded as he got off the couch.


daniel was at jack's house at 10:58 on the fourth, exactly. jack and jonah were filling up a duffle bag with ziplock bags that contained baggies of dimebags, 4 by 4's, gram bags, and even a few one ounce bags.

they had an empty coffee container in the bag as well for storing the cash they made.

"are we aloud to just walk into parties uninvited?" daniel asked, loading the bag into the truck.

"people do it all the time. as long as you ain't causing trouble, parties are free range." jonah said, hopping into the driver's seat, jack in the back, and daniel in the passenger.

"we should hit main-street first. there's always good parties there." jack said, digging around in the duffel bag to make sure they had everything. "do you two have pistols?" jack asked.

daniel pulled his out and set it on the dash. "mhmm." daniel hummed.

"let's go, boys!" jonah yelled as they took off down the street.

for hours and hours jack and daniel rummaged through parties dealing cocaine and marijuana while jonah would wait outside. daniel had to admit, walking through parties knowing he had a gun and thousands of dollars on him made him feel cool.

they stopped at main-street, every party they saw, the boat harbor, the park, everywhere!

when the sun began to set, the three of them pulled up to their last party. they stopped at one of the richest streets in town, and this time they forced jack to wait in the car.

when jonah and daniel entered the house, the smell of marijuana hit the two like a train.

"this is the place to be!" jonah said, ruffling daniel's hair. "you stay here, dan! i'll be right back! after this we'll go back to the shop and drink, yeah?"

"actually, i don't—" but before daniel could finish his sentence, jonah was off. "great." daniel whispered.

"might as well check the place out." daniel thought, heading to the living room. daniel couldn't help but cough as he walked through the room. it was filled with smoke.

as daniel snooped through the house, he saw someone who looked familiar.

"corbyn?" daniel thought, making his way over.

"hey, corbyn?" daniel asked.

the blond turned around.

"hey, daniel." daniel smiled.

"i should've expected you to be here. richest street in town, huh?" daniel asked, nudging corbyn's shoulder.

"you mean, my house?"

"oh! jonah didn't tell me—shit, jonah! i shouldn't be speaking to you—jonah will be looking for me, i have to go!" daniel said, hurrying off. as daniel made his way back to where jonah expected him to be waiting at, he bumped right into him.


"so now you're sneaking around, huh? talking to people i told you not to speak to?" jonah seethed, pointing to the room corbyn happened to be in.

"it's not what it looks like, i swear jonah, this is all just a—" before daniel could finish his sentence, jonah did what he had promised if he caught daniel near corbyn.

he beat him shitless.

he didn't use his gun or another weapon, just his fist. the first punch hurt the worst. it was right to the cheekbone, and it sent daniel to the ground. from that point on, daniel couldn't feel a single punch. he was hit in the teeth, the nose, the cheeks, jonah beat him until he was bleeding uncontrollably.

a crowd had formed, and out of curiosity corbyn made his way into the room, shoving people left and right to get to the front. it took corbyn a few seconds to realize who the two boys were, but once he did he grabbed his pistol, shooting it off at the ceiling.

jonah covered his head at the sound, crouching down on the ground.

"get off of him!" corbyn screamed, dropping his weapon. he shoved jonah off to the side, kicking him. "everyone needs to get the fuck out!" corbyn screamed, watching as the crowd scrambled out of the house.

jonah was the first out, everyone following behind.

corbyn crouched down, using the back of his hand to wipe away the blood that drizzled from daniel's nose.

daniel was still awake and responsive, sitting up.

"holy shit, are you okay?" corbyn asked, grabbing daniel's face. daniel winced, grabbing corbyn's hands.

"i'm fine, just don't touch me. it hurts." daniel mumbled, standing up. "how bad is it?" corbyn stood up as well.

"bad.." daniel nodded.

"i should probably leave. i'm sorry for ruining your party. maybe we should just stay away from each other." daniel said.

"oh. okay." corbyn said.

"what just happened?" a voice called. zach came running down the stairs, stopping at the bottom once he saw the condition of daniel's face. "holy shit.."

daniel made his way out of the house, stumbling down the stairs. to his surprise, jonah and jack were still parked out front. he stumbled down to the car.

"why are you two here?" daniel asked, opening the truck door.

"i may be pissed the fuck off at you, but i couldn't just leave you here." jonah mumbled, refusing to look at daniel. daniel sighed as he got into the truck, closing the door. "let's just go clean you up and have a few drinks, yeah?" jonah asked, driving down the street.

corbyn watched from the safety of his home as daniel took off with jack and jonah.

"even after he beat the fuck out of him he still left with them." corbyn thought. "i shouldn't be worrying about him, but i am."

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