its been you

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daniel was awaken to a knocking on his door.

"daniel! breakfast is ready!" daniel sat up, scratching his head.

"hmm?" daniel hummed, eyes widening once he saw corbyn asleep next to him.

"breakfast is ready daniel! hurry up, your food will get cold." his mother said before heading back downstairs.

"shit, corbyn wake up." daniel said as he poked the blond in the cheek. he poked again before finally shoving corbyn's shoulder. the blond squinted as he sat up in bed.

"i'm up, let me be." corbyn said, stretching.

"my mom said breakfast is ready, you can just leave out the window—"

"why can't i stay for breakfast?"

"oh! i mean, i guess you can. i just thought you wouldn't want to." daniel said as he got out of bed, picking his briefs up off the ground. he got dressed in a hoodie and joggers. daniel tossed corbyn his underwear along with a pair of joggers and a shirt. "they're going to ask questions, so just be prepared." daniel said as the two headed down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"good morning sweetie—oh! who is this?"

"mom, dad, this is corbyn. he's my friend. he stayed the night." daniel said as the two sat down at the table next to each other.

"i'll fix you up a plate, corbyn." daniel's mother said, smiling.

"it's nice to meet you." daniel's father said as he walked out of the bathroom, kissing his wife goodbye. "bye, daniel." his father said as he grabbed his car keys, heading out the door to work.


"so, corbyn, are you attending the same high school as daniel?" keri asked, setting a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns down infront of corbyn.

"actually, i'm attending the college right outside of town. i'm studying to become a forensic investigator." corbyn said as he bit into his bacon.

daniel looked over at corbyn, a smile on his face.

"damn is he a good liar." daniel thought.

"oh! how interesting. how did you two meet?" keri asked as she sat down across from them, enjoying her cup of morning coffee.

"the diner downtown." daniel said, wiping his mouth with his napkin. corbyn glanced over at daniel, nudging his foot with his own. she nodded, sipping her coffee.

"what do you do in your free time, corbyn?" keri asked.

"i really enjoy space, so watching and reading about space takes up a good amount of my time. hanging out with daniel is great too." corbyn said as he set his fork down, running his foot up and down daniel's ankle. daniel pulled his foot away, glancing at corbyn.

"so.. are you two a couple?" keri asked.

"mom!" daniel snapped. corbyn grinned.

"no, but i aspire to find someone like daniel. he's caring and sweet, funny too, but only on weekends." daniel shot corbyn an angry look and corbyn couldn't help but laugh.

"well look at you two. two little peas in a pod." keri said, setting her coffee down.

"yeah, great friends. thanks for breakfast mom, but i think corbyn needs to get home. he's got a big test he needs to study for." daniel said as he stood up, grabbing his and corbyn's plates.

"he's right, i have to go. thank you for breakfast though, it was amazing."

"oh, you're too sweet! don't forget to come back over soon!" keri said as she watched daniel drag corbyn out of the house and to his car.

"what was up with the foot thing?" daniel said as the two got into the car.

"oh come on, a little fun never hurts!" corbyn said.

"fun my ass, i had a fucking boner under the table!" daniel said as he pulled out of the driveway. corbyn laughed as he buckled his seat belt.

"what're you doing today?" corbyn asked biting his lip.

"i think i have some shit to take care of at jack's." daniel said as he relaxed in his seat.

"oh, okay. last night was good." corbyn said.

"i know it was."

"whatever, asshole." corbyn said.

"i'm just keeping it real. i know it was. you seemed to be enjoying it."

"i seemed to be enjoying it? you couldn't keep your hands off of me! first you scratched up my thighs, then my hips, and then you choked me!"

"okay? and?" daniel asked as looked over at corbyn.

"you are one cocky mother fucker, you know that?" corbyn said as daniel parked outside of the blond's house.

"yeah, i know. bye c." daniel said as he watched corbyn safely make it back into his house before driving off. corbyn smiled as he got back into his house, shutting the door behind him.

"hanging out with jonah's kitten now, huh?" corbyn jumped at the voice, swallowing harshly. "you're even in his clothes. you must've stayed at his house. did you fuck him, corbyn?" zach asked from the couch.

"why do you care?" corbyn asked as he watched zach get off the couch.

"because he's the reason we're losing business. and apparently, the easiest job you had you fucked up. all you had to do was kill jonah, but you messed that up. so now guess what? i'm going to do it. how could you, corbyn? go sleep around with that twink?" zach said as he crossed his arms.

corbyn couldn't manage to get a word out.

"we have some drugs to distribute, corbyn. i know you forgot about me and the fucking business you run, but now it's time to get back to work. why don't you change out of his fucking clothes and get back down here?" zach snapped.

"i swear to god if you hurt him or jonah i'll kill you. i won't shoot you and get it over quickly, i'll tie you to a fucking chair, zach. first, i'll beat the fuck out of you. then, i'll stab you. yeah? you'll die a slow, painful death. and that's a fucking promise."

"have you fallen for him, corbyn? a minor? you're twenty-one. so before you murder me, i'll report you as a sex offender. having sex with a minor, huh? that's statutory rape."

corbyn wiped a tear that fell from his eye.

"you're out of the business. get out of my house, zach. who are the police going to believe, zach? i'm corbyn fucking besson. i'm filthy rich. i'll just pay that god damn police station to keep my name looking good. and now look at you, living in my shadow." corbyn said as a grin formed on his face. "you ever step foot in my house again, i'll do what i promised." corbyn said, watching as zach thought for a moment.

"i'll kill all three of you." zach said as he shoved past corbyn, exiting the house.

"i'd love to see you try."

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