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Type whispered, that no one heard him say it... Win was looking at him with the smiling face and holding his hands out... Type was observing the details of his face for quite sometime when Man shook him from his daze and nudged him to shake hands with Win...

After shaking the hands Win turned to Gun

Gun: why are you here?

Win: p'... I want your credit card...

Gun: what is it now Win? Dont you have money?

Win: hmmm p' I spent all my money for remodeling my car... so I need some now for a date..

Win was smiling and Gun couldn't say no to that face.. so he took out his card and gave it to him..

Gun: dont spend too much..

Off: look who's talking about spending...

Win giggled and gave a flying kiss to Gun and waiied politely and said his goodbyes to the newcomers and left the room...

Gun: sorry that my brother interrupted our conversation...

Man: your brother as in...

Gun: as in my own brother.....

Man: oh...

Gun: so about the contract and the conditions we say

Man looked at Type who was in daze as if he was in another world...

Man: ok Gun... we will definitely consider your conditions... we are almost sure we want this deal to happen...

Gun: ok that's good... do you want to eat anything?? I can order ot for you..

Type: it's ok Gun we are in a hurry... we have another appointment....

Type said in a hurried tone and got up and left the room without even looking back whether Man is following him or not... he looked around the office area as if searching for someone... he went out the office and found Win near the stairs trying to call someone and cursing as the person on the other end didn't pick up his call...

Type: Win..

Win was startled by the sudden intrusion and cursed..

Win: oh fu~falooda... hi p'Type... do you want something...

Type: no Win, what are you doing here? You seem to be troubled?

Win: oh its nothing p'Type...

Type: you can tell me..

Win: nothing iam trying to get a table for my date!! But it seems all the restaurant are full...

"How about Regal Gold Restaurant"

Both turned to look at Man standing behind them..

Win: p' that's a very high end restaurant... I cant afford that...even if i could we have to book tables before 2 months for it..

Man: dont worry it's my friend's restaurant... I will give him a call..

Win: oh p' I dont want to trouble you..

Man: you call us p' and think that you are troubling us?? Iam hurt Win..

Win: oh p'... dont think like that... if you want you can help me p'..

Man: ok I will give a call to my friend..

Man went away to talk to someone... while Type was simply starring at Win.

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