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It was a big house and everything screamed rich...

A teen school boy entered the house and was greeted by two men in their 40s talking in the living room...

The boy looked around...

"Oh Tine, Sarawat is not in the home he went out for shopping with his mom" said one of the man, sarawat's father...

Tine: oh.... iam bored, pa...

Sarawat's father: you can wait but I dont think they will come soon..

Tine: well then I will go tell him to come to my house after he comes...

Wat's father: ok.... I will tell him.

While he started to leave the other man asked, "is it Sarawat's friend?"

Wat's father: oh Tine wait!!

Tine turned with a smile..

"This is my friend's brother he will be joining my business.... his name is Nicky"

"Hello, p'Nicky"

Win woke up from his dream...with cold sweat all over his body and breathing heavily..

'Why is Nicky in that dream?'  'Is he losing the connection between reality and dream?'

Maybe because of stress... it's been three days since Sara~ no Bright left him on the lobby.. he should be worried about it but oddly he didn't feel sad but felt confused... "iam not sarawat" that's what Bright has told him... and yes Sarawat may have the face of Bright but they are both different... deep inside he knows that but why is he not able to accept that...

Does he really love Bright or Sarawat? Or does he love any of them for real?

He sighed and looked at the clock it's only 11pm... he got up from his bed and headed towards restroom when his phone rang... it was unknown number but anyway he took the call...


"Win, its Jane here"

"Ah Jane why are you calling at this hour any problem"

"Oh Win its Bright, he came here three days ago and he is not well, he hasn't slept for three days and he is drunk now and he says he is gonna drive"

"What do you expect me to do"

'Is it Win!! Give it to me I need to talk'

He heard Bright's slurred voice in the background...

"Bright wait" this was Jane..

Win could hear struggling on the other end...

"Win, I wanna see you...... baby I miss you"

Win's heart skipped a beat hearing Bright call him baby...

" ah Win please come and collect him I have shooting and I cant get him back home, please Win"

Another sigh escaped his mouth before asking "where are you guys?"

"We are in Pattaya"



"I cant come to pattaya"

"Why it's just one hour drive"

"Please understand Jane..... p'Gun and p'Newwie will get mad if I go there"

"Why do they have to get mad, it's just for a friend"

'Oh Win... baby'

He again heard Bright in the background...

"Stop calling him baby he might think you are wierd" Jane was complaining him..

Win just chuckled, it's not wierd for him... he actually loves it Bright calling him baby... it makes his heart skip a beat...

"Ok Jane, put up with him till morning... I will come and collect him then... it's very late now... even I haven't slept and I will come as early as possible"

"Ok, Thank you"..

He looked at the phone, he didnt even get angry that Bright was with Jane... so does he not love him? No that's not it... it was the fact that he knows that Bright was thinking about him even with when he was with her...

Even though he has left him three days ago... he would often text him... to ask about the work... he could have asked anyone in the company but he choose to ask Win... or maybe he is really going crazy to think like that....

Though he lay down he couldn't sleep... many. Thoughts occupying his mind.. why is Nicky in that dream? Why does p's doesnt want him to go to pattaya? And his thought about Bright...

Bright was no better these three days always plagued by the dream of Sarawat and Tine most of the time he spent in his hotel room... he cannot remember his times with Jane but his mind was fully occupied by Win...

He hasn't slept in these days whenever he closes his eyes he can see Sarawat and Tine... is this how Win was suffering all these days? The overwhelmed feeling of love on seeing Tine's face in his dreams... no they are not Sarawat and Tine... but then Win was occupying his mind when he is not dreaming how much Bright has changed because of him... he now has friends... he smiles and takes time to know about others, care for others all of these because of Win... but the most important thing that keeps on going in his mind was he misses Win... he miss him badly...

Like today when Jane was eating icecream all he could see was Wins lips and how soft they were.... the thought alone gave him a hard on..... the drinking is mainly because he felt he was cheating on Jane...but even in his drunk state all he could call was Win's name... then he looked at Jane how much she takes care of him... it's time to be truthful....

On the other hand Tay was fuming about the new information and they didn't waste anytime and took the car speeding it towards Bangkok...

Half way through Arm who was driving suddenly stopped the car pressing on the brake fast...

Tay: what are you doing?

He was angry as hell

Arm: Tay... do you remember the dinner we went with Newwie and friends...

Tay: YES SO.... those bastards they tricked us...

Arm: do you remember what Win said?

Tay: ah?

Arm: that he remember his previous life...

Tay: what are you trying to say...

Arm: if you had stopped oogling Newwie you would have noticed it...

Tay: noticed a crazy talk?

Arm: Win said Bright and him were Sarawat and Tine in their previous life...

Tay blinked at Arm...

Arm: I dont know how that was possible...

Tay: idiot that's not previous life... it's his memory from this life...

Arm: ah?

Tay: I think Bright and Win are Sarawat and Tine.... the boys who was supposed to be dead.


Anyways 2 or 3 more chapters and they story will be done... I think... how was it? Caught on to the story I was intended to write?

THE RED THREAD (completed)Where stories live. Discover now