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"Mom where are you going?"

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"Mom where are you going?"

He was in panicked state...

"Wat first we go to your uncle's place and then call your father"

Wat: No, mom Tine is in danger...

S' mom: No baby... Ti~ne, ti~ne is de~ad...

She was crying... holding strongly on to the steering wheel which is turning her knuckles white...

Wat: no mom... Tine called me, I have to go save him...

S' mom: I know how hard it is... but listen we should go to your uncle's place now..

Wat: no... without Tine iam not going anywhere... now turn the car to the Coconut Farm resort...

Mom: Sarawat... listen... it's for your own life iam doing this...

Wat: but Tine is my life.... I have to save him...

He tried to open the car door while car was running which made his mom to drive crooked and stop the car... she pulled her son and Slapped him hard...

Wat's mother: now sit still we are going to your uncle's place...

While they were driving they crossed Coconut farm resort... which agitated sarawat... he was in middle of a tournament when he immediately packed and came rushing back to Pattaya because he got a call... his heart was beating erratically on thinking about any harm his love would have got...

Wat: mom please... we crossed the resort mom, please  just 5 minutes mom let's check and go....

Mom: Tine is dead... now please shut up...

No sarawat cannot take in what his mom has said.... she kept on repeating Tine is dead in a frightened tone... something is surely wrong...

As minutes pass and gaining distance from coconut farm resort.... he couldn't take it..  some unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach and also he couldn't forget the phone call... wherever Tine was in it sounded dangerous....

He knows Tine is back in there... gaining distance between them made him go into a rage... with one swift motion he caught the steering wheel and tried to turn the car...

Mom: sarawat leave the steering wheel...

Wat: no iam going to save Tine...

The car turned into wrong direction... his mom tried to apply brake but sarawat was fast to put his leg inbetween and stopped her... it was internal struggle between them... Wat was not in his good mind all he can think of his Tine..

A sudden flashing light and horn.... that's all he heard before pain overtook him.... he didn't know how much time has passed... he could hear faint sound of people running and a faraway ambulance sound...  he turned his head to look at his mom who was also looking at him with tears...

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