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Bright's hand trembled, his breathing became ragged.... he knows he's going into a panic attack... it's not every day that a stranger from work tells you something similar from a dairy that was written by his mother 10years back before she died...

Sarawat and Tine is it just a coincidence? Or Win might be telling truth?... he wanted to turn the page and read it but his hands were shaking and he couldn't concentrate...he wanted to relax first... he tried breathing into a paper bag.... tried meditating.... but nothing can bring him to calm himself down.. he heard a faint sound of his phone ringing and stumbled around the room too find his phone, maybe he needs help.. vaguely looking at the name on the screen he accepted the call solely for asking help.


Hearing the voice, Bright's erratic heartbeat started to calm down little...

"Hey Bright are you there? Did I disturb you in your sleep?"


" why is you voice shaking? Are you alright?"


"Do you want me to comeover"


"Hmmm ok......."

There was a long pause with only breathing sounds from both sides... Bright's breathing became stable just by hearing the stable breathing on other side...

" why did you call Win?"

"I want to apologise for not remembering your friend... I tried hard to remember Bright but I couldn't... iam sorry.... iam sorry that my brain is not good..."

"No Win, it's me who has to apologise... it would have been merely a coincidence... I was just too desperate to find him"

" I will try hard to recall the memory for you"

"Hmmm, hey Win can I ask you something?"

"Hmmm, sure"

" can you tell how you know Sarawat and Tine?"

"Oh, if I tell you, you will think iam crazy"

" i already think you are crazy"

"hey then iam not gonna say"

"Ok ok, iam sorry, I was just teasing you"

"Let's meet and talk about it"

"Ok tell me when and where"

"Ok it's a date then"

"I didn't say it's a date"

"But you said you will give me a chance"

"When did I say like that"

"You know while playing with the thread, if it didn't break you will give me a chance"

"You said that and if I remember correctly I didnt even agree to it"

"Oh.... ok.... then go to sleep. Good night"

As Win cut the call, Bright was stunned that Win didnt protest or ask him again... his thoughts drifted to the last sentence he spoke more like the voice change in the last sentence... Win was sad was the only conclusion he can come to. However there was a unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach after hearing his sad voice which caused him to send a message that he himself wouldn't dream of sending..

"Tomorrow night dinner... it's a date"

It took only 5 seconds for Bright to again receive a call from Win..

THE RED THREAD (completed)Where stories live. Discover now