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Win got a taxi to go to Pattaya early in the morning... he slept through the one hour ride as he was lacking it... he got the hotel details from Jane and went straight to Bright's room to see the mess he has created... and he was sleeping peacefully... he looked at his face for sometimes... a small smile formed on its own... he called out 'Bright' very softly... when the name rolled on his tongue he felt his heart skip a beat... he took Bright's right hand in his as his heart started to beat fast.... a place a gentle kiss in it before shaking Bright to wake up...

But Bright didnt wake up... he didn't even move a inch.... Win tried to wake him up for sometime before started panicking.... he called Jane to inform Bright's condition as he didn't know anyone here... she has assured him that she will bring a doctor who helps the staff that were with her... tears pooled in his eyes he hold on to Bright's hand and sat near him on the bed... praying to whatever god....

Jane arrived with a doctor in a panicked state after sometime... Win gave space for doctor to check Bright...

Doctor: it's nothing... he is just drained... so he is sleeping... you said he hasn't slept for three days? That and the drinking has made him like this... he will wake up soon and I have connected to IV so he wont be dehydrated...

Win: so nothing wrong....

Doctor: nothing... but he can be stressed too that's why he might have acted like this.... so take care of him.... find out the reason for his stress and try to reduce it...

Win: yes doctor....

Soon doctor left the young people in the room..

Jane: I should get going to.... I have work...

Win: but Jane he needs you....

Jane: Win... these days he needs you more than me...

Win: Jane

Jane: Iam not that stupid, to not notice anything...

Win: I'm sorry Jane

With tears flowing from both of them..

Jane: dont make it harder Win.... let me hate you for taking him away from me... for a while...

She left thinking about the last night


After the phone call with Win, Jane pulled Bright and left for his hotel room... he keep on insisting that he would only sleep in his room... once they reached Jane helped him to bed... Bright sat on the bed and pulled Jane towards him...

Jane: what are you doing Bright? Let me go...

Bright: I wanna kiss you Jane....

Jane struggled to stop Bright... which was of no use...

Jane: why?

Bright: I wanna know, how I feel?

Sighing Jane stopped struggling and looked at Bright...

Jane: do you really wanna kiss me?

Bright: why are you asking like that?

Jane: because lately I don't feel anything from you....

Bright blinked at her...

Jane: I can see Bright how you treat Win.. the non stop messaging you do with him when we are together... you have never done that with me... and I always know that you had some kind of restriction with me... boundaries... but you were free with Win... no to mention the non stop blabbering about him when you were drinking..... there was more love when you talk about him than when you look at me...

THE RED THREAD (completed)Where stories live. Discover now