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Sorry guys for delayed update... I lost some motivation lately and also sorry if this chapter is not good.....


Both Arm and Tay looked at Off with confusion, 'How does Phukong knows Off?' 'What are they talking about?'.

Off: well it's not like I wanted to hide or anything, it's a secret mission and iam an undercover in this case... first it was about drugs... but someone came to me one year ago and told about the dark web... so I had to go undercover in the gaming company... Gun and New know that iam undercover and they provided some informations about the drug ring... and the hacking and all...

Tay: can you speak clearly...

Off: there is a undercover operation going on so I cannot give more information but I can after today... more precisely after Krist gives me a go signal.....

While they were talking the doctors came out of operation theatre... Gun and Newwie were immediately on their toes along with Bright...

Doctor: we stabilized him... he is okay now but if he again thrashs or try to harm himself the wound might open again and the outcome will not be good like this time... so it's best to keep in medical induced coma until the wound gets better... and also his severe PTSD needs to be treated.... he might need to be institutionalized for that... but its upto you guys to decide... it's better if someone is always with him 24hrs a day...

Gun: can we see him...

Doctor: not now... but after he has shifted to the room... be careful, he might get infections

Though everyone was releaved that Win was fine still his mental health is not fairing....

Bright: p'Off I want to know the truth... I want to know who did this to Tine? Is my father involved in this

Off: I dont have evidence to prove anything, Bright as of now... but certainly Nicky was involved in it....

Bright: P'Nick?!!.

Off: yes that's why I came to this company... I dont know what is position in this yet but he sure is involved...

Bright: he did that to Tine...

Newwie: Nick is one of the owner of Coconut farm resort...

Gun: all the times he tried to get near Win... he is surely involved I want him dead....

Off: shhh... Gun dont speak like this... If anything happens to him you will be accused..

Gun: I dont care...

Tay: so what's the secret operation that you were telling...

Off: cant you wait till Krist comes... your every question can be answered...

Tay wanted to know but he knows a mission like this needs utter secrecy... so he nodded and left the place with Arm...

Bright and Gun were angry but they had to hold it in and remain calm for sake of Win.... he will need them when he wakes up...

In hospital room

Type was lying with eyes closed when Tine/Win needed blood for transfusion he immediately gave his own and asked the Nurses to take some more in case of emergency... First the doctors were not willing but then Win needed more blood so they took some from Type and admitted him for some rest and improvement....

"Can I ask some questions?"

Type opened his eyes to see Tay and Arm...

Type: how is Tine?

Tay: he is out of danger but he might need more time for recovery both physically and mentally...

Type: it's a given in this situation...

Tay: can we ask some questions...

Type: yeah sure...

Tay: what happened with your family's death? Can you tell from your point...

Type: I dont know... I was doing an internship in Hongkong... I got call that our house burned down and my family is dead...

Tears formed in his eyes even now thinking about the horrible day...

Type: I immediately came from Hongkong... Sarawat's father was the only close one I had at that time... my uncles and aunts all lived far away... he had a hard time too... he said aunty and sarawat got into accident and both were brain dead so we waited till their heart stopped and held funeral together...

Tay: did you see sarawat?

Type thought about it for sometime

Type: no I saw them only in funeral... both their faces were pretty messed up from the accident... I just took uncle's word for it...

Tay: what about your brother? how did you identify it was him?

Type: Tine.... sorry the corpse was fully burnt... it was hard to identify...

Tay: you didnt ask for autopsy?

Type: yes I asked... we did only partial autopsy... the corpse had right hand fractured.... Tine fell from a tree when he was 10 and fractured his right hand... I couldnt think straight and young and scared... I didn't ask for further details...

Type was crying....

Tay: you couldnt have done anything... it's not your fault...

He could only nod.... tears falling on his cheeks...

Tay didnt want to question any further.... he and Arm excused themselves from the room...

When they were out Newwie was standing a little further from the room.. it looked like he wanted to talk.... to Tay.. so Arm left them alone... no words were exchanged between them for quite sometime...

Newwie: there is no excuse for what i have done..

Tay: you saved a life..

Newwie: the only good thing that I have done in my whole life...

Tay: hmmm

Newwie: I didnt want to hide or lie about my past.... To you mostly... you genuinely liked me and I don't deserve it.... along the way I started to like you too but if I hide my past then i will be miserable... it may be selfish... but Tay can I ask you something...

Tay: yes..

Newwie: I wouldn't ask you to like me or forgive me or forget my past but can you not hate me or disgusted by me?

Tay looked at the tired and sadness filled face of New, which was laced with tears...

Tay: I cannot say that New.... this, everything is a too much information for me to handle... I don't know what I feel....

New wipes his tears with his sleeves and gave a small smile...

New: thanks for not lying though... if not Today, one day stop hating me

There is something about the smile that didnt settle well for Tay.... he felt wrong, he shouldn't be smiling but why is he smiling...

Arm: oii krist has come... we might be getting some answers pretty soon..  come on everyone is waiting for you...

Both of them heard Arm and walked to where everyone was waiting... Krist soon started talking when everyone came...

Krist: so we did a undercover mission in Coconut farm Resort... got some Big shots with evidences... they are ready to talk about the drug and sex trafficking...

Tay: who is the main that operates this ring..

Krist: ofcourse it was Nicky and we arrested him... and surprisingly the half shares of the business go to Mr.Chivaree... we have asked singapore police for cooperation to bring him in....

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