night one

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"rated E" 12:18 am

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"rated E" 
12:18 am

With a blanket wrapped over her shoulders, Yamane slipped out of her dorm room. Her footsteps nearly completely silent due to the fuzzy Hawks socks she wore. Her switch and phone sat in her left hand while her right hand gripped the blanket to keep it from falling off. 

A sigh left her lips as she slipped onto the couch of the common area. As she waited for her game to load, Yamane pulled out her phone and turned on her music at a low volume. The happy tune of the Animal Crossing title screen quietly played waiting for her to push a. Once she did, Yamane became completely focused on the game, humming lightly along to her music as she listened to Blathers explain her latest fossils. 

"What the hell are you doing, idiot?" Yamane jumped slightly, before turning to look at Bakugo. "Playing Animal Crossing. What are you doing up?" 

Bakugo stuffed his hands into his pockets before falling onto the couch beside her. "Couldn't sleep." A small laugh slipped past Yamane's lips as she watched the boy in amusement. "I don't think I've ever seen you this calm, Bakugo." 

"Shut up, would you rather I fucking yell?" He asked, his voice rising. 

"No, I've just never seen you not yelling." 

 "Tch, whatever. Isn't that a fucking kids game?" 

"It's rated E, for everyone. Plus," Yamane turned the Switch so he could see the screen, "it's cute. Anyway, want to talk about why you can't sleep?" 


"Want me to help you sleep?" Yamane set her game down so she could give him her full attention. "How do you plan to do that?" 

"I don't know." When silence filled the room, Yamane thought Bakugo had finally grown tired of talking to her and was about to snap. Though he simply let out a light sigh. "Just-. I don't know, talk, or something." 

"Wanna hear about Animal Crossing?" She paused waiting for any complaints but his silence urged her to continue, "Okay, well right now I have six villagers. Hornsby, Axel, Bluebear, Lucky, Cookie, and Al who I hate. He's a fucking ape or some shit and he's so ugly. My favorites are Lucky and Hornsby. Right now, I'm trying to get my island to three stars so that K.K Slider will come visit because once he does I unlock terraforming and can really get started on my island. I'm working on an outdoor gym for Axel because he loves working out. He's always talking about getting stronger. Kinda like you Bakugo! Do you want a tour of-" 

Yamane glanced over to see Bakugo fast asleep, his head resting on the pillow beside him. Yamane smiled lightly as she stood up, placing her blanket over his body before heading back to her dorm room. 

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