night twelve

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"mind over matter"'12:00 am'

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"mind over matter"
'12:00 am'

When the clock struck midnight Yamane left her room with nothing but her phone. She decided to leave in her normal pajamas since Bakugo text her that he would bring her blanket. Usually, Yamane planned their nightly activities but for some reason Bakugo decided to take on the responsibility tonight. Yamane walked into the living room with a smile. "Please don't make me regret letting you do the planning"

"We're sneaking out" Yamane's eyes widened at his words. She slapped his arm for suggesting such a thing. She wasn't a teachers pet but that didn't mean she liked getting in trouble. "Are you stupid? If we get caught Mr. Aizawa would kill us. The only reason he let you and Mirdoriya off the hook was because All Might and-" 

"Oi! Stop panicking. We're just going on a walk." 

"No thanks" 

"We won't get in trouble for going on a walk, Yuna. Stop being a pussy" Yamane frowned at his words. "Don't say that. It makes you sounds misogynistic. People use 'being a pussy' to show being a scaredy cat. Yet when someone is brave they say 'you've got balls'. Just saying." Yamane shrugged at her words and looked away, missing the amused smirk on Bakugo's lips. "Besides, it's not just that. It's midnight, something could happen. We could get kidnapped or murdered!" 

"I'd kill anyone that tried. Plus you're strong you could fight them yourself." Bakugo raised his voice in irritation. "Still!" Yamane sighed, she had to admit, a walk did sound nice. "Fine. Let's go." Bakugo placed her blanket on the couch before walking over to the door with Yamane. 

A comfortable silence formed around them as they walked. Bakugo had his hands stuffed into his pockets, he kicked the occasionally rock as he walked. Yamane let her arms swing freely beside her as she kept her eyes locked onto the starry sky above her. Though the silence was quickly annoying her. "Who's your favorite artist? I know you said your favorite song was Best Part but who's your favorite artist?" 

"Do they have to be Japanese?" Yamane shook her head. "No. America may suck but I can't deny that some of their songs slap." 

Bakugo chuckled lightly. "Joji" 

Yamane hummed in content at his answer. "I love his music. You know before these Midnight meetings, I really thought you'd be into heavy metal." 

"I'd never be into that shitty music" Yamane pulled out her phone with a smile. "It's not all bad!" Yamane pushed the shuffle button letting Teenagers by My Chemical Romance play from her phone. "This is shit" Yamane turned it up by two clicks. They had stopped in front of a park now. Yamane closed her eyes and swayed lightly along with the music. "I don't know this is really putting me at peace." 

Bakugo reached forward to grab the phone from her to turn the music off but she quickly side stepped him with a smile. Before he could make another move she ran into the park. Bakugo chased after her. They had ran around the playground twice before Bakugo finally caught up. He grabbed Yamane by the waist and picked her up off the ground before taking the phone out of her hands. He set her down, leaving his arm around her waist as he unlocked her phone. "I should've never told you the password" She mumbled in annoyance. A chill went down her back and she felt Bakugo's breathing on the back of her neck. 

Bakugo removed his arm from around her as he let the song he choose play. Yamane smiled as the slowed version of Mind Over Matter played. 

Yamane took a deep breath to force the blush on her cheeks away and grabbed Bakugo's hand, dragging him over to the swings. 

"You know you're on my mind. And if the world don't break, I'll be shakin' it"

Yamane dropped Bakugo's hand as she sat on the swing. Bakugo sat beside her, unmoving. Yamane closed her eyes as she started swinging softly. 

"'Cause I'm a young man after all" 

"You have really nice taste in music, Katsuki" Yamane opened her eyes and looked over at Bakugo, who was already watching her with a soft look in his eyes and a small smile.

"And when the seasons change, will you stand by me? 'Cause I'm a young man built to fall"

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