night thirteen

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"midnight meal" '12:05'

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"midnight meal" 

It was an average day for class 1-A. Thankfully there were no invasions on their school grounds or life-threatening exams. It was a simple day where the only training they had was a quick hand-to-hand fight without quirks. Yamane won her fight but got a few injuries in the process. She had kept them hidden from her other classmates. Even Bakugo, who now sat on her bed across from her now that midnight had come. 

"We weren't even allowed to use our quirks today, why do you smell like caramel?" She placed her yellow Uno skip card before following with a yellow five. "Fuck off" Bakugo mumbled, annoyed that he was skipped, especially since he had a draw four card in his hands. "Just curious. You smell good though, you always do." Yamane placed her card down, not worried about Bakugo's reaction. Which was a slight blush on the tips of his ears. "Uno" 

Bakugo's blush changed to anger. He slammed down his draw four card watching with a smirk as Yamane drew with a look of annoyance. 

"Uno and red." He then placed a red eight card with a smirk. "Hah! Uno-out. Told you I'd win, extra." 

Yamane threw her cards onto the bed with a roll of her eyes. "Yeah yeah, I get it. You're the Uno king." 

"Hah, damn right I am." 

"Rematch." Yamane grabbed the cards and started to shuffle them before the sound of Bakugo's stomach growling filled the room. Yamane stopped her actions and looked up to him. "Hungry?" Bakugo looks away in embarrassment. "No." Yamane placed the cards down and stood up. "Well, I am. Let's go get something." 

When the pair makes it downstairs Yamane immediately heads to the fridge, grabbing some random ingredients. "What should I make?" 

Bakugo came behind her and reached over her head to take the cheese from her. She frowned slightly as she turned to face him. "I don't trust you to cook anymore." 

"It was one time with eggs! I can cook just fine." Bakugo held her gaze for a second longer, making them both realize how close their faces were to each other. Bakugo backed away, heading to the stove and Yamane walked over to sit on a counter. 

Yamane watched carefully as Bakugo started cooking their midnight meal. She had to admit, she was impressed. He managed to crack the eggs perfectly and when he stirred the dish, not a single drop spilled. 

Bakugo stepped back from the stove after he set a timer on his phone and turned to look at Yamane. 

The cuts and brusies scattered along her arm had gotten a bit too painful, so she had pulled her sleves up to check on them. "Oi, what happened to you?" Yamane swiftly pulled her sleeve back down with a smile. "Nothing" 

As Bakugo made his way over to her, Yamane made no moves to hide her arm from Bakugo's reach. She looked away as Bakugo grabbed her wrist and yanked her sleeve up. 

"Dumbass, why didn't you get recovery girl to heal you?" 

"Our quirks cancel each other out. Plus it's no big deal, none of the cuts are that deep."

Bakugo dropped her wrist and walked away only to return seconds later with a first aid kit. Yamane watched him jump on the counter beside her and pull her arm towards him once again. 

His hands worked more delicately then Yamane had ever seen as he cleaned her cuts. He paused occasionally when Yamane would wince in pain. Though he worked delicately, he scolded Yamane for not telling anyone the whole time he worked. 

When he finished he put an All Might bandaid on her now clean cut. Bakugo looked up from the cut to meet Yamane's eyes. Though their faces were already closer than expected. They noticed that they were both slowly scooting closer. Yamane's eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips every second and she would have scolded herself for it if Bakugo wasn't doing the same thing. 

Their noses touched as the timer Bakugo set on his phone went off making them both jump away from each other, with their cheeks burning red. 

As they ate, neither of them said a word, grateful that they had the movie as an excuse to stay silent and think about the moment they just shared. 

────── {.author's note .} ────── ⊰ 

two chapters left!

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