night eleven

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'movie night' 11:50 pm

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'movie night' 
11:50 pm

Yamane wasn't having a good night. Or day, to be more specific. It started when she woke up colder than when she went to sleep. It wasn't until she rolled over that she realized it was because Bakugo left after waking up. 

Then during class during their training, she took one to many hits and was sore for the rest of the day. Luckily she still won the fight so her lecture on what she did wrong was relatively short. Then night came and in between the time of her locking herself in her dorm and hanging out with Bakugo she spirled into a fit of sadness. 

She couldn't specify what exactly she was sad about, however. She just felt so worthless. Tears flowed out of her eyes as her music played in her ears and she gripped her hawks pushie tightly. 

She was so caught up in her feelings that she didn't realize how close it had gotten to midnight. So when Bakugo pushed open her door she immediately tried to stop her tears. Though they still flowed freely so she diverted her gaze to her bedsheets. Refusing to meet his gaze until the tears stopped. She took her earbuds out to let him know she was listening. "You left your door unlocked, idiot. Some perv could've broken in" 

"We're at school. What pervert is-" 

"The purple ball guy" Yamane let out a light chuckle. "You really should learn your classmates names, ya know." 

"I know the important ones, Yuna. Oi, why didn't you respond to my text?" Yamane sniffled to make sure any tears were gone. "Oh sorry, I didn't plan anything. W-we can play Smash or maybe Mariokart or Minecraft. You can choose. I don't really care."

"What's wrong with you?" The soft tone in his voice immeditly caught her attention making her look up, even if she did have tear stains on her face. "What were you crying over?" She watched Bakugo sit across from her on her bed. Yamane looked away as tears began to fill her eyes just from the simple question. "I don't know" 

"How the fuck do you not know?!" 

"I don't know. Sometimes I just-." She let out a shaky breath to insure no tears fell. "-sometimes I just cry. And if you ask me what's wrong again I'll start crying again so can we just-. I don't know. Watch a movie and cuddle or something" 

Yamane's eyes went wide as she realized what she said and instantly starting waving her hands in front of her while shaking her head. "Wait no! If you feel bad for me then don't but I mean if you want to I-" 

"What movie do you want to watch?" Bakugo moved so that his back was touching the wall and he was facing the tv. "Oh uh I guess Spider-man? If that's cool?" She tried to say calmly. Once Bakugo nodded in response Yamane grabbed her remote and sat on the wall beside him. "What are you doing?" 

"Well I wasn't sure if you actually wanted to cuddle or-" 

"You're acting like we didn't literally sleep together last night" Yamane cheeks burned red. "Don't word it like that." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "That's what we did, though. Yuna, what the hell is wrong with you today? It's like you're not confident in yourself. That's why you almost lost the fight today. You have a good quirk and you're not that shitty of a person or else I wouldn't be hanging out with you. Be confident, dumbass." 

"You say that like it's easy. I can't just change my mindset in a day. And I usually am kinda confident, sometimes. I'm just having an off day, I guess. Can we stop talking about me and just watch the movie?" 

Bakugo rolled his eyes which Yamane took as a yes. She grabbed the remote and quickly turned on the movie. By the time the opening credits started, Yamane felt her anxiouness calm down a bit. She took a deep breath before feeling bold and scooting herself closer to Bakugo and putting her head on his shoulder, ignoring how fast her heart was beating. Seconds later Bakugo wrapped his arm around her and pulled her a little closer. Yamane smiled lightly and tried her best to focus on the movie. 

four nights left!!!!!!! 

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four nights left!!!!!!! 

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