night ten

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"diamond pickaxe"12:57 am

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"diamond pickaxe"
12:57 am

True to her word, Yamane was feeling better the next night. She sat in her room with Bakugo as the two played Minecraft once again. They had made it farther then flowers and murdering turtles this time and were now in the nether. Though Bakugo kept accidentally hitting pigmen, making an army come after him. "I didn't even hit the fucker that time!"

"Yeah you did but it's fine. You don't need my help right?" Yamane looked away from her screen where she was peacefully getting quartz to Bakugo's only to see him being attacked by thirteen pigmen.

"It's what you get," Yamane stated with a shrug as she continued mining the quartz. "Shut up and help me!"

"I warned you not to hit them! You got yourself into this. Get yourself out."

"Yuna, I'm going to fucking die!"

"Not my problem!"

"I have the diamond pickaxe you fucking idiot!" Yamane's eyes went wide as she quickly made her way to where Bakugo was being killed. "Why didn't you say that sooner!"

"I thought you'd help!"

"I thought you'd be able to save yourself!" Yamane yelled, matching his tone. Yamane was halfway to Bakugo when she saw the notification that he was killed in the chat. She sighed as she glanced at his screen. Neither had noticed the lava behind Bakugo, which had now burned the pickaxe. "This is your fault." Yamane murmured as she started heading back to their portal. "How is it-!"

Bakugo's sentence was cut off at the sound of knocking on Yamane's door.

Both went incredibly still as they watched the door silently. "Are you okay, Ane? I heard screaming." Mina called from the other side. Neither said anything as they kept their eyes glued to the door. Yamane whipped her head over to Bakugo when she felt him elbow her side. 'Say something' he mouthed urgently. "Yep, I'm good. Just trying to sleep!"

Yamane quickly turned her switch and lamp off. "Okay, well I'm gonna come in to check, okay?"

Both of their eyes widened as they noticed the knob turning. In a second, Bakugo lifted the blanket and pushed Yamane underneath it. Then he got under the blankets and wrapped an arm around her waist to try and make their bodies look like one to Mina. "Stay clam" Bakugo whispered into Yamane's ear making her shiver and instinctively move closer to his chest. As the door swung open he moved his face under the blanket.

"I heard yelling" Mina commented as a yawn escaped her lips. "Oh, I opened Youtube and had my volume at max. Sorry, did I wake you?"

"Oh. It's okay. It just really sounded like you and Bakugo."

"Huh, that's weird. Bakugo goes to sleep at like eight so you probably just imagined it." Mina thought for a second before nodding. "Yeah, I guess. Alright, goodnight, Ane"

"Night, Mina."

Once Bakugo heard the soft closing of the door, he peaked his head back out from under the blanket to rest on the pillow. Seconds past and the only noise to be heard was the soft sounds of their breathing. "Bakugo, she's gone."

"Shut up, Yuna. I'm tired" Bakugo uttered softly. "Hm, okay. Goodnight, Katsuki" 

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