night eight

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"face masks" 12:00 am

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"face masks" 
12:00 am

A few minutes before midnight, Yamane was dressed in a shirt much too big for her with her hair tied up into a ponytail. This morning, Yamane had found two pimples and decided it was time for a facemask. Yamane was in complete relaxation mode. She text Bakugo that she would come by his room when she was ready. Which is why she started to freak out when two knocks sounded from her door. 

She opened the door, only to shut in immediately after seeing who it was. "WHY THE-" The sound of Bakugo yelling made her open the door once again and cover his mouth with her hand. Her eyes met Bakugo's red ones that were filled with confusion. "Do you want to wake everyone up?" Yamane hissed before slowing removing her hand. She rolled her eyes as she stepped back into her room. Bakugo followed her in, closing the door behind himself and sitting beside her on her bed. 

"Why'd you slam the door in my face!" Bakugo asked, his voice reaching dangerous levels. "Katsuki, stop being so loud! I slammed the door because-" 

"What's on your face?" Yamane rolled her eyes. "A face mask, that's why I slammed the door." Yamane's eyes went wide as she came to a realization. "Close your eyes" 

"Why would I-" 

"Close them! And don't look until I say it's okay." Bakugo let out his signature tsk as he closed his eyes. Yamane stood up, quickly sliding on a pair of sweatpants. 

"Okay, open." Bakugo let his eyes trail over her twice before noticing the sweats making him burst out into laughter. "Were you not wearing pants?!" 

"No, I wasn't because I wasn't expecting a visitor, Katsuki" Yamane responded, using his name in a teasing tone. Yamane's eyes trailed over to her desk and landed on the second face mask. She turned to Bakugo with a smile. 

"Absolutely not," Bakugo told her before she could even say anything. "Alright, let's play a game of Mariokart. If I win, you do the face mask!" Bakugo smirked, making heat rise to Yamane's cheeks. She hated how easy he could make her blush recently. "And when I win?"

"I don't know. What do you want if by some slim chance you do win? I'm a Mariokart pro so there's no way you're beating me." 

"If I win," Bakugo trailed off, his eyes leaving Yamane's and landing on a random item in her room, "If I win, I want to keep hanging out" Before Yamane could stop herself she burst out into laughter. "Are you kidding, Katsuki? Of course, we can keep hanging out! Remember yesterday when you told me you were sleeping better now? Maybe it's because of the closure you got with Deku or maybe I'm actually helping you! Either way, I like our little nightly hangouts. So even once you lose, we'll keep hanging out." 

Yamane lightly threw one of her controllers at Bakugo though he barely caught it since he was still partly thinking about her words. 

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

As she said, Yamane won all four games. She got first while Bakugo got second which is why they now sat facing each other. Yamane was smiling as she tore open the face mask packet though Bakugo was scowling. Partly because of his loss but also because he did not want to do a face mask. 

"It's gonna be cold okay?" Yamane spoke as she gathered a bit of the mask on her two fingers. "Just hurry up. How long does this shit have to stay on?" 

"Only ten to fifteen minutes. We can have a rematch while we wait." Before Bakugo could respond Yamane had rubbed a bit of the face mask on his forehead. She was so focused on applying the mask, she didn't notice how Bakugo was refusing to meet her eyes and actually seemed a bit nervous. While Yamane wouldn't let it show, she was definitely more than a little nervous. She had never been this close to a boy before, especially in her own room. She never would've expected Bakugo to be the one to change that. 

A few silent moments passed between them until Yamane finally pulled away with a smile. "D-done" She mumbled out as she walked over to her bathroom to wash off her fingers. 

She was in the middle of drying her hands when Bakugo appeared behind her in the mirror. She smiled lightly at his reflection to which he surprisingly returned. 'We look like a couple' Yamane thought to herself in surprise. 

She quickly turned around, grateful for the mask covering her red cheeks. "Mariokart time!" 

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