night nine

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"dark chocolate"12:05

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"dark chocolate"

Midnight came and with it did a million texts from Bakugo. The two had decided hours ago that at midnight they'd meet downstairs to bake. But at 11:55 Yamane text Bakugo that she wouldn't be able to meet him. Bakugo would have left it alone but due to Yamane's lack of explanation he decided to show up at her room. The sound of a knock brought her attention off her movie and to the door. "Come in" She called lazily, already knowing exactly who it was. 

Bakugo came into the room and sat at the foot of her bed. "What's wrong with you?" Yamane was cuddled up in her Hawks blanket. Five empty water bottles were thrown on her dresser along with three different pills. 

"Nothing" Yamane muttered covering her face deeper under her blanket. 

She didn't want anyone to see her like this. The final, and worse, day was usually on Sunday so she had her mom to help her through it but it was a Tuesday. And she really didn't want anyone to see her like this. Espically Bakugo. She'd be fine the next day but right now, she was miserable. 

"Oi, extra." Bakugo grabbed the blanket and pulled it up making Yamane groan in annoyance. "Tell me what the hell is wrong?" 

Yamane stole her blanket and covered her face, leaving only her eyes and forehead viable to Bakugo. "I obviously can't tell you, Bakugo" He raised in eyebrow and the use of his surname. Even in class Yamane called him Katsuki. Even if it did gather some attention from their classmates since no one dared to call him by his given name. 

"Bakugo? Why the fuck are you mad at me! What did I do?" Yamane winced at his growing tone, which only made her headache worse. "Stop yelling, Bakugo. God! I obviously didn't want to come down tonight for a reason!" Yamane matched his tone, ignoring how it made her head pound more. 

Bakugo rolled his eyes before standing and storming to the door. "Wait." Yamane called as his hand touched the knob. "What?" He spat. "You obviously don't want me here." 

Yamane sighed as she lowered her blanket from her face and ran a hand through her messy hair. "I'm sorry, Katsuki. It's not you I'm mad at. I mean-. I'm not really mad at anything. I just-. Well it's hard to explain. Maybe I'm mad at the world. Or maybe-." 

"What the hell is wrong with you today, Yuna." 

Yamane looked away from him as her cheeks turned red. "It's a girl thing" Bakugo paused as he tried to figure out what it could be. 

"I have a mom, Yuna. It's not a big deal." Bakugo muttered once he finally put it together. "I know but that doesn't mean I wanna say it. I never like to." 

"So what do you need?" Yamane finally met his eyes in surprise. "Huh?" 

"When my mom gets it she gets a headache and cramps and shit. So do you need medicine or whatever?" Yamane paused as she watched Bakugo. Yamane figured it was just exhaustion making him so calm. "Uh, chocolate. Thank you, Katsuki." 

It didn't take Bakugo long to come back with a four bars of chocolate in his hand. "Here" He called as he threw them at Yamane. Yamane examined the chocolate for a second before looking back up to him in appreciation. "You remembered I don't like dark chocolate" Yamane muttered to herself. "Hey Katsuki. Can I hug you?" 

"Why are you asking, idiot? You've hugged me before" 

"Yeah but this time I want you to hug back." Yamane stood up for the first time in a few hours and wrapped her arms around Bakugo. She smiled when she felt Bakugo's arms wrap around her before his chin rested on top of her head. Yamane had to admit, Bakugo Katsuki was a great hugger. 

She pulled away with a smile. "Okay now go to bed! I promise I'll be better tomorrow." 

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