night fourteen

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"finale"'12:00 am'

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'12:00 am'

Yamane had made many Minecraft worlds before, some creative some survival. Yet in all her years of playing, she had never defeated the Enderdragon. So when Bakugo came into her room that night, she insisted that they changed that. Yamane was expecting tonight to be like every other night but Bakugo was being strangely quiet. When he died from mining straight down and into lava while they searched for the stronghold he simply scoffed. It was as if his mind was somewhere else entirely. 

Though so was hers. After she got back to her room last night, Yamane decided that tonight would be the night she confessed her feelings to Bakugo. The only problem was, so had no idea how to do it. 

They were in the End and while Bakugo seemed as if he was finally focused on the game again, Yamane was not. Which was how she ended up forgetting that End Crystals explode when you break them and falling off the tower. 

"Ah" She screamed quietly, as she fell. She placed a water bucket down just in time and saved herself. 

"Oi, what's up with you?" 

"Nothing. I was just distracted." 

"Well get undisracted! We're fighting the dragon, dumbass." 

"Shut up, you were distracted earlier. You barely even reacted when you fell into lava" 

"Because I was thinking!" 

"What were you thinking about then, Katsuki?!" He didn't respnd. They just stared at each other in silence, waiting for one of them to speak first. 

The sound of the dragon coming closer made them both turn away from each other and back to the tv. But their reaction times were too slow and the dragon had thrown them into the air and killed them. 

Yamane let out a large sigh as she pushed return to menu rather than respawn. 

"What were you thinking about, Yuna?" 

"Fine. You wanna know what I was thinking about? I was thinking about how to confess to you because I have no idea how to do it! But now-! Oh." Her eyes went wide as she realized what she siad. 

"Confess what?" A smirk was on Bakugo's lips. "Shut up. You know exactly what." Silence fell over them. "Are you really gonna make me fucking say it, Katsuki?!"

Slowly, Bakugo started coming closer to her and when he was inches away he paused. As if he was making sure they were thinking the same thing. He gently placed his hand on her cheek before leaning in closer. Yamane felt his breath on her lips as he spoke, making a chill go down her spine. "Took you long enough, dumbass." He spoke lowly before connecting their lips as the clock hit midnight. 

MIDNIGHT LOVE ⇢ Katsuki Bakugo ✔Where stories live. Discover now