night two

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"minecraft" 12:23 am 

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12:23 am 

Yamane sat in the same position as the previous night, the only difference being her lack of blanket and game choice. After class let out for the day, Yamane went straight to playing Animal Crossing instead of doing extra training like normal. Because of that, she didn't have anything else to do in the game that night.  So, Yamane played Minecraft instead. 

She was in a mine, searching for her first diamonds when a blanket collided with her face. Yamane's eyes flickered up to meet Bakugo's for a second before she immediately brought her attention back to her game. 

"Hey, Bakugo. Sleep well?" Yamane held back a laugh as she heard him make his signature, 'tsk' sound. "Doesn't fucking matter" 

"I think it does. It's okay that I'm awake, my sleep schedule has been ruined for years. But you gotta get sleep Mr. 'I'm better than everyone else ever'. I'm sure even All Might slept when he was number one."

"Don't fucking talk about All Might" Yamane quickly put down her game upon hearing Bakugo's tone. It sounded more hurt than harsh. Yamane knew there was something deeper there but she had a feeling Bakugo wouldn't just tell her. Before she had a chance to ask about it, Bakugo was in the kitchen looking for a snack. "Sorry. Anyway, I'm playing Minecraft tonight. Wanna play with me?" Yamane asked with a smile. 

"My Xbox is in my room and there's no fucking way you're going in there." Bakugo came back into the room holding a back of hot Cheetos. "You owe me Katsuki. I helped you fall asleep. So if you don't want to be in debt to me-" 

A few minutes later, Yamane was seated at the other end of Bakugo's bed while they played Minecraft together. Yamane was building a house while Bakugo blew up a village and killed a few nearby animals. 

"Stop picking flowers, dumbass! You're supposed to be building us a fucking house!" 

"But I want banners! And the flowers are pretty" Yamane looked over at Bakugo in time to see a ghost of a smile on his lips as he rolled his eyes. "When a zombie kills you don't come crying to me, damn extra"  


"What?" Bakugo asked as he hit an innocent turtle. "You can't kill turtles!" 

"Why the hell not!" Bakugo asked, his voice rising for the first time that night. "Because they didn't do anything to you!" 

"It looked like that damn nerd, Deku" Yamane's eyes flickered over to Bakugo for a second, trying to get a read on his expression. His red eyes shifted over to Yamane, who kept her gaze on him. "What the hell are you looking at?"  

"Why do you hate Izuku so much?" Bakugo let out another, 'tch' as his eyes went back to the screen. "He's a quirkless loser who got strong out of nowhere." A frown took grew on Yamane's lips as she watched Bakugo carefully as if that would help her understand him a bit more. She finally tore her eyes off of him and back to her own screen. 

"Sounds like an inferiority complex. Anyway, I'm tired." 

"I don't care, dumbass. You're the one that wanted to play this damn game." Bakugo said, choosing to ignore her comment. 

"Yeah but now I want to sleep." Yamane exited out of the game before standing up, ready to head back to her room. "Night Bakugo." She threw her blanket at him before quickly slipping out the door, not giving him a chance to yell at her.

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