night three

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"eggs"12:12 am 

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12:12 am 

Yamane wasn't in a gaming mood when she snuck downstairs again. Her Hawks slippers were her only source of comfort now that she had given her blanket up. Not that she regretted that if it helped Bakugo sleep. Yamane also wasn't sure if he'd be giving the blanket back this time. She would've asked him in class but there was an unspoken rule between them where they wouldn't talk in class. They never talked before and neither needed their friends catching on. Especially not Mina who too observant for her own good. 

When Yamane came into the common area she wasn't expecting to see Bakugo already sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone. 

"You're early" Yamane muttered as she walked past him and into the kitchen. "Shut up damn extra. You're not playing one of you're dumbass games?" 

"I didn't feel like it, I kinda just want to vibe" Yamane opened the fridge and pulled out eggs. "Want some?" Bakugo nodded as he moved from the couch to leaning on the counter. He watched Yamane carefully as she walked around the kitchen, pulling out everything she needed. 

"Wanna crack one?" Yamane asked holding an egg out to Bakugo. He sighed before pushed himself off the counter and taking the egg from her, cracking it perfectly. "Wow, didn't know you could cook, Bakugo." He simply responded with a 'tsk' and stepped back to give Yamane her space.

Yamane put the eggs in the microwave before leaning against the counter. Though the coldness of the common area as starting to get to her. Yamane wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to keep warm as goosebumps covered her arms. 

"Here dumbass" Yamane looked up just in time to see Bakugo's hoodie flying towards her face. "I don't feel like getting your fucking blanket so just take it." Yamane smiled before slipping the hoodie on. The smell of caramel instantly filling her nose. 

"You smell like caramel." 

"Tch, you're an idiot." He mumbled as the tips of his ears turned red. "Yes, but I'm your idiot." 

"Yes, you are." Yamane's eyes went wide as she looked at Bakugo in surprise. "You are a fucking idiot because the eggs are smoking." 

"What!" Yamane ran over to the microwave and opened it. Immediately going to grab the eggs, though the container was so hot that she dropped them in pain. 

In instant, Bakugo had grabbed her wrist and held her hand gently under the sink, letting the freezing water soothe the pain. "Told you you're an idiot." Yamane pouted as she looked at her eggs scattered on the floor before looking back up at Bakugo 

Their eyes met as he glanced away from her wrist. Yamane felt her cheeks growing red as she become hyperaware of their position. One of his hands remained wrapped around Yamane's wrist as he held it under the faucet. Because of that, he was turned sideways, with Yamane standing in front of him. Bakugo's chest and her back inches away from touching. And now that they were looking at each other, their faces had become dangerously close together. 

Yamane pulled her wrist away from Bakugo's warm, calloused hands and took a step forward. Instantly missing the coldness of the water and the warmth of Bakugo's hand. He stared at her in confusion for a few seconds before stuffing his hands into his pockets. 

An awkward silence passed over them as Yamane searched the room, desperate for something new to talk about. "Since the eggs were a bust. Wanna play Smash Bros? I have a feeling you'll love it" 

Moments later they sat in Yamane's room on opposite sides of the bed. Bakugo ended up beating her Jigglypuff multiple times with his Ridley. "This isn't fair Bakugo, this is our tenth game and I haven't won once." 

"Yeah, because you suck at this." Yamane, sick of losing, simply pushed the home button and closed out of the game completely. "Go to sleep" Yamane commanded as she threw her controller on her nightstand. Without any complaints, Bakugo headed to the door. "Next time we play, you better not suck," Yamane responded by throwing a pillow at his head. 

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