night five

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"UNO"12:05 am

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12:05 am

Yamane Yuna walked through the halls of UA's dorms, a stack of cards in hand, and Bakugo's hoodie once again wrapped around her body. She once again found herself in his hoodie but it wasn't because she liked the smell of caramel that came with it or the idea that it was Bakugo's. No, it was simply because Katsuki Bakugo had her favorite blanket so she wore his hoodie. It was a fair exchange and as long as he had her blanket, she'd wear the hoodie. It was a simple exchange and nothing more. Or at least, that's what Yamane told herself. 

"Yamane?" Her body instantly tensed up as she turned to Mina. A tired look on her face as she stood in pink pajamas. "Hey, Mina! What are you doing up?" 

"Getting a sandwich. What about you?" 

"Oh, just wandering the halls. You know I can never sleep." Mina's eyes traveled over Yamane's figure, squinting at the hoodie that was quite obviously too big for her before they widened in realization. "Oh my gosh! Which boy is it?" 

"What?" Yamane exclaimed. "You're meeting with one of the boys so which one?" Mina asked as she came closer to Yamane. "I'm not meeting with any of the boys. I just bought a hoodie, a size or two too big. Now go to sleep" Placing two hands on Mina's shoulders, Yamane began to push her friend in the direction of the kitchen. "Fine, I'll drop it for now. But don't think I won't pressure you about this in the morning. Goodnight Yamane!" 

She waited a few more minutes and once she was positive Mina was gone, Yamane continued in the direction of Bakugo's room. She knocked softly on the door twice before it was swung open. 

"The hell are you doing here?" Bakugo asked as he moved away from the door and back to his bed. Yamane closed the door behind her as she slipped into Bakugo's dorm and sat beside him on the bed. "What's wrong with you?" His voice came out more annoyed than worried. "Sorry, Mina saw me on my way here and started questioning me."

"Why? Because you're wearing my hoodie?" Yamane's eyes widened as she turned to look at Bakugo, who kept his eyes glued to his phone screen. "I'm surprised you even noticed" 

"I notice a lot. Like your Hawks plushie beside your bed that you kept trying to hide, fucking weirdo" Bakugos smirk didn't go noticed by Yamane, whose cheeks were beginning to turn pink. 

"Whatever," Yamane mumbled, desperate for a change of topic, "anyway, I have a theory on why you can't sleep. Does it have anything to do with the Leauge of Villians and All Might's retirement?" Bakugo let his phone fall to the floor in shock at the name. He sat up to look at Yamane, who had a calm expression resting on her face. 

"So it does" Yamane paused, her calm expression morphing into a small frown. "Don't fucking look at me like that. I don't need your pity" 

"I don't pity you. Bakugo, you were kidnapped by the league of villains and came out okay. And All Might's retirement has nothing to do with you, you know that right? It was gonna happen someday no matter what. Anyway, I think you're pretty fucking cool and strong. So no, I don't pity you. We don't have to talk about it ever again if you don't want to. But I'm gonna do something and you have to promise not to get mad." Before Bakugo had a chance to question her, Yamane had wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. Before Bakugo had a chance to hug her back, she pulled away. "Now, wanna play Uno?" She asked with a smile. 

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