night seven

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"first date"12:15

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"first date"

Wrapped in her Hawks hoodie, Yamane made her way to the common area of the dorms. A smile graced her lips as she turned the corner to see Bakugo playing on a yellow Switch Lite. The Pikachu sticker on the case made it clear that the Switch belonged to Kaminari. The familiar tune of Animal Crossing filled her ears as she watched Bakugo. His eyebrows were pulled together as he fished, though he kept pushing A too soon and scaring the fish away. He picked up his phone and checked the time. "Tch, where is that damn extra?" 

Yamane waited a few more seconds before finally stepping into the common area, making her presence known. "Yo," She muttered as she fell onto the couch beside him, unknowingly sitting closer than usual. "How do you fish?" Bakugo asked as he failed once again. 

"Did you get Kaminari's Switch just so you could play Animal Crossing with me? Aw, you're so cute Katsuki!" 

"Don't call me that" He hissed. "Why not?" Yamane pouted as her screen finally loaded, "You used my first name before I passed out yesterday. It's only fair." Yamane's eyes were too focused on Isabelle telling her the daily announcements to notice Bakugo's face turn a slight red. "Isabelle never has anything important to say," Yamane muttered under her breath as she held B to speed up the text. 

"I'm surprised you even heard me. Why heal me if you knew you'd pass out?" Yamane shrugged. "Because I wanted to, obviously" Yamane's eyes lit up and she turned to Bakugo with a smile. 

"Hey Katuskiiii" She called out dragging out the ending. "You're so annoying." 

"Today is our one week anniversary!" Bakugo stared at her in surprise for a moment, he wasn't sure what he was expecting her to say, but it definitely wasn't that. Which is why a silence followed for a full minute until Bakugo finally came to his senses. "We're not dating, idiot" 

"I know that, 'Tsuki, but it's our one week anniversary of hanging night. You get that reference right?" 

"No, I don't get that reference damn nerd." 

"Never mind. Anyway," Yamane put her Switch down and turned to Bakugo, "Let's go on an Animal Crossing date!" 

"Hell no." Yamane pouted. "I could've died healing your injuries last night and you won't go on a date with me? Lame" 

"Fine, we'll go on a stupid video game date" Yamane's eyes lit up and she picked her Switch back up. "Give me five minutes to set up" 

When Bakugo finally came to her island ⏤ wearing a custom design of his hero costume and Yamane wearing a cute red dress she designed ⏤ Yamane had set up a table with two chairs with a flower vase resting on the table. The table was placed on top of a rock, with floor lights and two lanterns. The peaceful sounds of the Animal Crossing ocean filled the room as neither of them said anything. They both plopped their avatars into chairs before Bakugo looked up to Yamane. She held her phone above her switch as she took a picture for memories. Yamane's eyes flickered up to Bakugo. Her smile only widened when she noticed him watching her. 

"So you're a basic bitch that takes pictures of your food." Yamane stood up and rolled her eyes. "I am not. For your information, I actually think it's weird. I just took a picture for memories. This is my first Animal Crossing date." 

"How are we even supposed to do this?" Yamane held her hand out to him which he reluctantly took. Yamane pulled him off the couch with one hand, her other still holding her Switch. She pulled Bakugo by one hand to the kitchen. She paused at the table and gestured for him to sit. 

Once he did and she had a free hand, Yamane poured herself a plate of Goldfish and Bakugo a plate of hot Cheetos before taking her seat across from him. 

She propped her Switch up making Bakugo follow suit. "Ask me anything, Katsuki" 

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