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"One more Hyuckie!"

"C'mon Haechan you can drink one more!!!"

Haechan's head rocked like a small boat in the turbulent sea. His vision was cloudy and colorful, splitting apart like a kaleidoscope. The boys throat burned with all the alcohol he had been drinking and his ears were being killed softly by the thumping bass of the house party music.

He was having one of the best nights of his life.

"Alriiight, alright guuuuuys" Haechan slurred and leaned back in his chair prettily, his sharp collar bones visible for everyone to see "One more and th-that's IT"

He blindly reached out for the shot glass, someone placed it in his hand already filled with the fiery liquid.

"Go on pretty boy!"

"C'mon Haechan drink it up!"

Haechan had to admit he did look sort of stunning with his silk shirt popping against his bronze skin, his copper colored smoky eye shadow and skin tight black pants.

"Gentlemen, pleeeease!" the boy preened, crossing his legs and batting his eyelashes at the eager boys around him "A pretty thing like me needs a chance to breathe y'know!"

The admirers around him nodded and shrugged, some of them with eyes wide in wonder.

Without warning Haechan downed the last shot, the room erupting with cheers and yells.

Haechan smirked and shrugged, batting his eyelashes and playing with the long black ribbon tied around his neck.

"Haechannie!" Renjun, Haechan's best friend appeared at his side looking equally as beautiful in a silky bottle green shirt and a silver chain choker "Come play a game with me and Jaemin!"

"Sure" Haechan got up, swaying on his feet before pulling himself together. As he and Renjun made their way to the other room, it was all eyes on them. They were definitely the hottest people at the party tonight.

"Okay this is how you play the game!" Jaemin explained brightly, with his dazzling smile. He pulled a strip of material out of the pocket of his ripped black jeans "I will put this blindfold on you, someone else will kiss you and you have to guess who it was. Got it?

"I'll go first" Haechan purred and sat down, Renjun shaking his head at his fearless best friend.

"Ayee just as expected Donghyuckie" Jaemin grinned, flexing his arms in his huge black bomber jacket, sliver chains glinting as he shook his blue hair out of his eyes "Take a seat, babe"

There was nothing but friendship between Jaemin and Haechan but Jaemin often called the elder pet names and they were very touchy. Although Renjun had a crush on Jaemin, he didn't mind and he happily accepted that this was how it was.

Haechan winked and sat down, crossing his legs and feeling his heart race as Jaemin tied the blindfold over his eyes, making everything go dark.

"Good luck" Jaemin whispered in his ear, making him shiver before his hands left his shoulders and he was gone.

There was a shuffle, some laughter, excited noises and the sound of Renjun gasping in shock.

"You ready, darling?" Jaemin laughed from somewhere to Haechan's left.

"Ready as I'll ever be" Haechan smirked, sensing a presence in front of him. Someone who wasn't either Jaemin or Renjun.

He felt someone gently placing there soft, warm hands on either side of his face, their cold metal rings biting into his skin making his stomach flip.

Definitely a guy.

Haechan instinctively tilted his chin up, spreading his legs for the person to settle in between them, which they did. The tanned boy parted his lips as he felt a hot breath fan against them, stomach clenching with anticipation.

Watermelon and expensive cologne is what he smelled like. Such a strangely perfect combination in Haechan's mind, making his lips twitch in amusement.

"Pretty aren't you?" the stranger hummed, his fingers toying with the silver earring in Haechan's ear. His voice was just deep enough to make Hyuck's thighs clench and his heart skip a beat.

"Aren't I just?" the boy giggled, his arms finding their way around the strangers neck.

"Cocky little pretty boy" he chuckled with amusement "You can talk the talk now lets see if you can walk the walk, yeah?"

"Yesssir" Haechan mumbled before their lips collided, sending a jolt of electricity through his body.

This stranger was a damn good kisser.

Haechan leaned back in his chair, pulling the stranger back with him who further leant down, pulling Haechan's face up. The tanned boy's mind was getting fuzzy as their lips moved together, whining ever so slightly. Haechan had never been kissed in such a way that set his skin on fire, made his stomach flip over like a pancake and stain his cheeks the colour of summer berries.

Donghyuck parted his lips, letting the other slide his tongue in and deepen the kiss, driving the tanned boy some sort of crazy. The stranger was moving his lips more quickly now, more frantically and desperately. They were both getting so caught up in the sweet desire, wanting more and more as the seconds ticked by.

Suddenly the screeching of police car sirens could be heard and everyone started yelling, chaos erupting like a volcano. The stranger broke away, lingering for a second before he was gone. Haechan felt someone ripping of the blind fold. It was Renjun, eyes filled with panic.

"Haechan we gotta go! The police are here, the place is filled with drugs!" he screamed over the noise before grabbing his hands, breaking Haechan out of his kissing induced daze "Jaemin's been drinking and he's underage so you gotta drive, let's go c'mon move move move!"

They made it out of the kitchen window just before the police busted down the front door, the panic heightening as people did whatever they could to get away.

The usual ending for a neighbourhood house party.

As Haechan drove home a very shaken up Renjun and a tipsy Jaemin, all he could think of was the boy who had given him the best make out session of his life. The boy who smelled like watermelon and cologne.

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