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"Here" Mark coughed awkwardly before handing Haechan a mug of tea and sitting beside him on his bed "Thought you might need it"

Haechan didn't reply but slowly took the mug from Mark's hands, not meeting his eyes and stiffening up when the elder sat beside him.

"Can we....c-can we talk?" Mark stuttered nervously as he looked at the younger, lion eyes pleading.

"There's nothing to say" Haechan quietly replied, words dripping with disappointment.

Ice cold fear struck through Mark's body like lightning, freezing in his veins and twisting his stomach into complicated knots.

Haechan was like a completely different person. Where was all the sass? All the fire and charisma? Mark wanted more than anything for Haechan to get mad, to swear and curse and yell at him. All of that would be better than this icy cold silent treatment. He wanted his sunshine back.

"Well, I have something to say" Mark spoke, gathering his pride and preparing to throw it out of the window "I want to say that I'm sorry. You opened up to me, you told you how you truly felt about me. You made yourself vulnerable to me, which I understand must have extremely hard for you and I-"

"Don't condescend me, Mark Lee" Haechan cut the elder off, his voice low and threatening "I'm not a child. I know what I did, you don't need to repeat it back to me like I'm stupid. Cut to the fucking chase. What do you want to say to me?"

"I- I want to say.." Mark gulped, even more nervous now under the unforgiving gaze of Haechan's scarily beautiful brown eyes "I want to say that I'm really sorry. And I love you"


"Ouch!" Mark gasped as he hand flew up to touch his burning face after Haechan had slapped it "I guess I deserved that"

"Yes, you did fucking deserve it" Haechan hissed, glaring at the elder "Why did you do it if you love me?"

"I...I was just scared" Mark whispered, still clutching his face in pain "I didn't know how to react. I'm sorry"


"Ow, Haechan what the fuck?!" Mark groaned and held the other side of his face as pain it bloomed pink "What was that for?!"

"Just" Haechan shrugged and inspected his nails with an amused smirk on his face "Felt like it, didn't I?"

"O-ohh...fair enough"

"Idiot" Haechan laughed and shook his head, looking up at the elder "Are you going to kiss me or what?"

Haechan literally took Mark's breath away with just a look. With the words that had just been spoken, the elder felt as if he was going to fly away or some shit.

Mark eagerly scrambled upright, leaning in slowly to Haechan. The tanned male smirked and placed his hands under Mark's chin, tilting up his face to connect their lips in one fluid motion. That familiar bolt of electricity flowed through Haechan's veins but this time he welcomed it, after all he had missed it a lot. The thoughts in his mind jumbled up, wriggling over each other until they were undecipherable while hundreds of butterflies rampaged in his gut.

"Enough" the younger hummed as he pulled away, noses still touching and warm breath fanning out on his lips "You're still not forgiven, bitch"

"Understandable" Mark sighed, his eyes fluttering open as if he was waking from a dream "I love you"

"I love you too" Haechan smiled affectionately as he slid on to Mark's lap "I love you a lot"

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