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"Why should they?" an amused voice sounded and a lean figure appeared Jeno, strutting out of the shadows.

"Mark" Haechan rolled his eyes.

"Baby" Mark nodded with a smirk, throwing an arm around Jeno's shoulders and muttering something into his ear making the younger breath out slowly, his anger seeping away before he turned on his heel, storming away.

"Jaemin, take Renjun" the tanned male spoke gently, knowing Jaemin was still trembling with fury "I need to talk to Mark"

"Call me if you need me" Jaemin muttered darkly before leaving with Renjun, the smaller's fist wrapped around the taller's index finger.

"Sunshine" Mark chuckled as he looked Haechan up and down "Why the frowny face? Aren't you pleased to see Daddy?"

"Daddy?" Haechan wrinkled up his nose in evident distaste "You're disgusting"

"C'mon sweetheart, don't be like that" the elder stroked the smaller's cheek, his grin widening when Haechan slapped his hand away "Fiesty, I like that"

"Just shut up and listen to what I have to say" the younger snapped, feeling his resolve crumbling. He remembered how Mark's lips had felt on his own during that party game, his hot breath on his neck and his velvety voice in his ear. He looked at him now, all gold jewelry and black hair flicking into darker cat eyes filled with white hot fire.

"Spit it out then, gorgeous" Mark raised his eyebrows "Hyung's got places to be, things to do. Unless you'd prefer me to do you?"

"Shut the fuck up, Mark" Haechan glared, eyes burning with a fire of his own "I don't know what sort of obsession you have with me and my friends but you need to stay the hell away from us. This is the last time I'm warning you. And you can tell your little bitch, Jeno to stay away too"

"Hmm, give me you and I'll leave them alone" the elder proposed with a wink.

"What the fuck, Mark?" Haechan actually laughed out loud at the level of ridicule "Are you for real?"

"For real, for real baby" Mark nodded noticing the younger was wearing pretty silver earrings.

"I don't know what you've been smoking, Hyung " Haechan spoke mockingly "But you'll never have me. Not for all the money in the world"

"Not even for the happiness of your two dearest friends?" the elder sighed "What a shame"

"Just stay away, okay?" the smaller groaned.

"No promises, angel face"

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