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"Wh-why are you being so kind to me?"

"Because...." Haechan stalled, flushing pink "Just, because okay!"

"Yeah..but why?" Mark insisted.

"Damn it Mark, because I like you okay?!"


There was a roaring silence between the two boys and Haechan slapped both of his hands over his mouth, immediately wishing he could turn back time and take back what he'd said.

"What?" the elder whispered in complete shock "What did you just say, Donghyuck?"

Donghyuck. Not Sunshine.

"I said that I like you, dumbass!" Haechan almost yelled, before flopping backwards with his face flushing dark pink in embarrassment.

"O-oh" Mark replied quietly before rubbing the back of his neck and slowly rising from the couch and grabbing his car keys "I- I have to uhh.. I gotta go do some-something. I gotta go home. Jeno needs me"

"Oh" Haechan spoke in a flat voice, hurt flashing in his eyes before they dipped to the floor "Sure"

"See you around, Donghyuck"

Again not Sunshine. Donghyuck.

"Y-yeah, see you around Mark"

Haechan called Mark later that night but the elder failed to respond. In fact Mark ignored every phone call or attempt at communication that Haechan made for week until Haechan stopped trying.

Suddenly, Haechan's life was back to normal, the way he had wished for it to be so many times. But he wasn't happy at all. It was like most of the happiness and colour had been sucked from his life. Not all though, he still had the two best people by his side, Jaemin and Renjun.

He caught himself thinking about Mark more than once, fading in and out of reality, dipping into the cauldron of memories. Retreating to a soft focus paradise of all the times he'd spent with Mark.

Haechan thought he might actually mean something to Mark, especially after the elder opened up a little bit about his brother. He can't believe he actually allowed Mark to let him think he was anything else but a toy to mess with. He should've just stayed cold, stayed the way he was in the beginning, harsh and unforgiving.

The empty classroom make out sessions, the late night phone calls, the wind up mind games. He never imagined even in his wildest dreams that it would come to an end or that he'd find himself wishing Mark would walk through the door right now. Mark really had grown on him, gotten under his skin without him even noticing it then disappeared leaving an empty Lee Minhyung shaped space in his life.

"Jaemin, stop!" Renjun giggled as he slapped Jaemin's hands off of his waist "Do you want me to mess up the food?"

Haechan had been really down about Mark, so Renjun and Jaemin had decided to surprise him by making the tanned boy a.....sandwich because they were lazy.

"What?" Jaemin grunted and pressed his lips to Renjun's neck "You don't need that much concentration to make a fucking sandwich, bunny"

"Just shhh" the smaller laughed as he spread jam on a slice of bread "I don't want to take the risk. If I drop this, you'll have to run to the shop because this is the only bread we've got. Luckily, we've got a full, untouched jar of jam"

"Why do I feel like we're constantly running out of bread?" Jaemin questioned with a frown as he hooked his thumbs into the belt loops of Renjun's pale blue denim jeans.

"Because you live off of toast, baby"

Jaemin and Renjun crept down the hallway, giggling in hushed tones as the smaller held the plate protectively. Jaemin raised his hand and harshly tapped on Haechan's door three times.

"Come in" Haechan's muffled voice sounded from the other side of the door.

Jaemin opened the door, allowing Renjun to enter first before closing the door behind the both of them.

"Hi Hyuckie" Renjun greeted in a warm voice as he sat on the edge of Haechan's messy bed "How you feeling?"

"Disappointed" Haechan admitted in a raspy voice as he looked up at Jaemin who stood beside him, smiling down kindly "Disappointed in myself though, not Mark"

"What the fuck are you talking about, baby?" Jaemin frowned and sat down on the bed "You didn't do anything wrong"

"I should have never put myself in the position where I could get hurt" Haechan sniffed, a tear sliding down his cheek "None of this would have happened if I just stayed cold, if I hadn't opened up and myself vulnerable then this wouldn't have happened. I thought I was smarter than that. Clearly not"

"Just stop it, Haechannie" Renjun pleaded, putting the plate down and slipping an arm around Haechan's shaking shoulders "It's not stupid to fall in love. It's not dumb to trust someone. You didn't do anything wrong, it was him"

"Cheer up, sweetheart" Jaemin also slipped an arm around Haechan's shoulders with an encouraging smile "We made you something~"

"Here!" Renjun beamed as he handed the plate to Haechan "We made it ourselves"

"Aww, you guys"" the tanned boy squealed as he inspected the sandwich and hugged his best friends "Guess what?"

"What?" Jaemin asked as he hugged Haechan back.

"I hate jam"

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