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"Let go of him, Jeno" the youngest snarled, voice strained and warning as he started stepping forwards, fists clenched "Right fucking now"

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'll take him myself" Jaemin snapped turning to Renjun, his expression only slightly softening "Come here, baby boy. Come to me. Come back to Jaemin"

Renjun sniffed, face peaky and shiny with tears as he looked from Jaemin to Jeno then to Jaemin once again. He looked down at his shoes, more tears spilling from his eyes, not even bothering to wipe them away anymore.

"Stop it, Jaemin" Jeno growled, stepping in front of the smallest like a human shield "Leave Renjun out of this, you're wrong making him choose. Just leave Renjun out of this completely, yeah? Stop using him as an excuse to argue with me"

"You really think I care about arguing with you. I actually care about Renjun. And you really think you can tell me what I can and can't do?" Jaemin laughed coldly, placing his hands on his hips mockingly "Little Nono did always like playing grown ups didn't he? Always liked ordering people about didn't you?"

"I swear, Na Jaemin" Jeno shouted, making Renjun flinch "I get you're bitter, but I swear keep your fucking mouth shut. Think about who you'll hurt. You'll lose more than you'll gain with this"

"I don't think I will" Jaemin replied, his eyes glittering dangerously "You've stolen Renjun from me now. I don't have anything to lose"

"You're drunk, Jaemin. You're being dramatic" Jeno rolled his eyes in an attempt to cool the mood "Just shut up and sit down. I'll call you a taxi"

"Don't patronize me, Lee Jeno!" Jaemin faltered for a second, almost going along with the elders demands "You can't! You don't own me, you can't tell me what to do!"

"I know, I know" Jeno shook his head slightly in an almost fond manner as Jaemin backed down "Shhh, Nana"

"Don't you fucking dare call me that" Jaemin spat before flopping on to the couch beside Renjun, pulling the confused smaller on to his knee.

"But you called me Nono"

"And fucking what?" Jaemin smiled with challenge in his eyes "I'm the boss now, sweetheart. Didn't you know?"

"Hardly weigh a thing, my sunshine fairy" Mark chuckled as he easily lifted Haechan out of the back seat of his car. The younger male was still unconscious, showing no signs of waking up any time soon.

Mark carefully carried Haechan into his apartment and gently placed him on the bed, easing the tanned males shoes off of his feet and setting them beside the bed. The elder tucked the smaller under the covers, kissing his forehead swiftly before proceeding to clean up the room, not wanting Haechan to wake up to the sight of his underwear strewn across the floor.

After the room was decent, he shot Jeno a text to inform Jaemin and Renjun of Haechan's location before grabbing some clothes and heading into the shower.

Twenty minutes later, when Mark was scrubbing away the dirt of the day and humming along to How You Like That by Blackpink, Haechan's eyes fluttered open and a raspy groan left his lips.

"Ughh what the fuck..." he coughed slightly, squirming in discomfort as he was still in his tight party outfit "Where the fuck am I?"

His eyes grew round as he froze, looking around the room that was definitely not his. The tanned boy's head was still spinning, his inability to think straight sending him further into panic. He began to whimper as he searched for his empty pockets for his phone then looked around the room catching sight of it on charge.

"A kidnapper who charges their hostages phone?" Haechan mumbled as he got up to grab his phone but froze once again as he heard footsteps. He began to shake as the footsteps got louder, closer and grabbed the first "weapon" in sight, an old battered guitar covered in various stickers.

The door opened and Haechan screamed, holding the guitar above his head, ready to bring it crashing down on the head of his kidnapper when he caught sight of the face in front of him. The stranger screamed too, ducking to the floor with a thud. Haechan slowly lowered his arms, keeping a death grip on the neck of the guitar as his face grew confused.

"Watermelon dude Mark?" he questioned as Mark lay on the floor with just a towel wrapped round his waist, hair still dripping wet from the shower and his arms over his head in a protective manner "Never thought I'd be glad to see you, mate"

"What the fuck, Haechan?" Mark groaned as he got up, rubbing his upper arm and giving the younger a clear view of his toned abs and biceps.

"Damn" Haechan whistled and flopped back on the bed "That for me?"

"If you want it, baby" Mark smirked and threw a packet of pain killers at the tanned male "I'll go get some water"

"You do that" Haechan smirked back before adding under his breath "Because baby is thirsty"

"I heard that!" Mark called from down the hall way.

"No you didn't!"

"No I didn't!"

Haechan rolled his eyes and smiled to himself before he caught himself and turned his expression sour again.

What are you doing, Haechan? Mark is the enemy dummy..

You tell me Donghyuck, he's an enemy with sexy abs don't lie to yourself baby

An e n e m y with sexy abs, Haechan... He tried to ruin your friendship circle remember? His best friend is trying to destroy RenMin!!!

"Haechan?" Mark stroked the younger's hair, breaking him out of his inner argument "You good?"

"Yeah" Haechan ducked away from the elders touch and dropped his gaze to the floor "Put on some clothes, Mark"

"Why, baby?" Mark chuckled and leaned into the younger, brushing his lips against the warm skin of Haechan's neck "Is me shirtless, distracting you?"

"No, it's d-disturbing me" the smaller's eyes fluttered shut as he bit his lip, fighting with the urge to tug Mark closer by his black hair.

"It is?" the elder chuckled and took the glass of water from Haechan, placing it on the bedside cabinet before leaning back into the younger's neck, firmly pressing his lips down on to the golden skin, murmuring "Is that why your heart is beating so fast?"

"Sh-shut up" Donghyuck stammered, taking in a deep breath and being hit with that scent, bringing him right back to the start.

The scent of watermelon and cologne.

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