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"More, more, more, more, more and more"

Haechan was sashaying his way down the corridor at the university, listening to Twice's More & More which even Jaemin had admitted was a skinny bop.

"Do you feel me?~" the tanned boy sang, his voice echoing softly before he was yanked into an empty classroom.

"Oh, I feel you" Mark smirked, immediately pinning Haechan to the wall my his hips "Miss me?"

"No" Haechan rolled his eyes with a smile as he put his arms around the elders neck, stroking the back of his hair "You miss me?"

"Nah" Mark chuckled, eyes dancing with dangerous fire.

"Then why did you drag me in here, dumbass" Haechan groaned as Mark picked him up by his thighs and swung him onto the teachers desk "You interrupted my vibing session"

"I'm Mark Lee" the elder stated simply as he dragged a hand back through the smaller's hair "I do what I want, when I want"

"Not when that thing is me, bitch" Haechan scoffed "Get off me"

"Nope" Mark shook his head with a smirk "I do love these little conversations of ours, sunshine"

"Yeah, yeah I love them too" Haechan tilted his head to the side prettily "Just like you love me"

"Shut up, Haechannie" the elder snapped "You talk too fucking much for my liking"

"Oh, boohoo such a shame" the smaller smirked smugly "Can't little Mark handle a little bit of an argument? Gonna call in Mr.Big Guns Jeno on me?"

Mark growled deep in the back of his throat, gripping the edge of the desk so hard it looked as if his knuckles would split open at any second.

"Giving up so soon? Tut tut, you're losing touch watermelon dude" Haechan inspected his nails dismissively, sneaking a look at the elder's state and laughing to himself.

"Oh, you're so gonna wish you get your pretty little mouth shut, slut" Mark hissed so evilly that it gave the younger shivers right down his spine, deep into his gut.

He barely had time to register what was going on when Mark yanked him upright and bent him right over the teacher's desk, slamming his head into the oak surface making his mind spin alike a carousel. Mark shoved his other hand flat in the small of Haechan's back, straightening it out.

"Count for me, whore" Mark growled "Let's see how mouthy you are"

"Mark, what the-"

Haechan was silenced when Mark's hand met his ass in a burning smack which echoed throughout the room, setting his skin on fire and forcing a high pitched whined out of his lips.

"I said count, you dumb whore" Mark yelled and repeated the action, but harder, feeling satisfaction flow through his veins and a smirk working it's way onto his face.

"F-fuck you, Mark" Haechan gasped out, tears springing to his eyes at the humiliation of it all.

He screeched as Mark spanked him again, swift and harsh making his knees weak.

"What was that, sweetheart?" Mark leaned in close to Haechan, cupping his ear mockingly.


"Good slut"

It was 10 minutes later when Mark finally had mercy on Haechan, standing back and fixing his hair, shrugging his shoulders as he breathed hard. Haechan lay limply on the desk, cheeks flushed and eyes barely open, shiny with unshed tears.

"Oh, darling" Mark grinned "You still have so much to learn"

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