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"Just say whatever you feel like, baby" Haechan smiled encouragingly "We'll piece all together later"

"Okay, so. I've known Jeno since I was 5 years old. He was my first boyfriend"

"WHAT!?" Haechan screeched "Jeno was your boyfriend? He's your ex? You were boyfriends when you were five?! "

"What the fuck?" Jaemin laughed at the level of ridicule "No, Hyuck. We met when we were five and became boyfriends when we were thirteen, we broke up when we were fifteen."

"Why did you break up? Did he cheat?" the tanned male questioned in complete and utter shock and confusion "I swear I'll break his legs a-"

"No, Hyuckie Hyung" Jaemin loudly cut Haechan off "No, he didn't cheat. We weren't working anymore. I got frustrated and we argued, we said some things that we wished we hadn't said. Mean, hurtful things that still hurt now when I talk about it, things I wish with all my heart that I could take back. We decided to carry on life as strangers. I didn't lose just my boyfriend that day, I lost my best friend, my soulmate."

"Aww, Jaem, baby" Hyuck sighed and pulled the younger closer "This must have been so hard for you, especially at the age of fifteen"

"I guess" Jaemin swallowed thickly "But now he's back. My hot ex and my adorable crush. Together. I can't even explain how crazy it drives me. It makes me mad, sad, jealous but the thing is......I don't know which one of them I'm jealous of"

"Oooof" Haechan breathed out "You mean...you're crushing on both Jeno and Renjun?"

"I.......yes" Jaemin replied, his cheeks flushing red as he struggled to meet Haechan's eyes.

"Jaem" Haechan spoke softly, tilting Jaemin's chin up so he could look him in the eyes "There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, my love. I accept and support you one billion percent. I'll still love you the same, whether you love Jeno and Renjun or an apple and an orange"

Jaemin let out a small laugh and wiped his eyes "Thanks Hyuckie, this means the entire world to me"

"You mean the entire world to me, Jaem" Haechan chuckled "Silly boy, you got yourself so worked up. Do you have any faith in your Hyung, huh?!"

"Sorry Hyung" Jaemin grinned sheepishly.

"You better be" Haechan rolled his eyes and ruffled the younger's hair "Little rat"

At that moment, the pair heard the front door open and close. They jumped apart and Jaemin quickly cleaned his face as they pretended to be immersed in something on Haechan's phone.

"Hi fwends" Renjun greeted in his quiet soft voice "How are you, brats?"

"Good" Haechan grinned with a fond roll of his eyes "And you, whore?"

"Quite good actually" the small Chinese boy grinned "Jaem? Everything okay, babe?"

"Yes, Injun" Jaemin blushed, even his ears tinged with pink "I'm okay, sweetheart. Come here you little jelly bean"

Renjun did a running jump onto Jaemin and Haechan who yelped and laughed before hugging him tightly.

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