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Haechan squeaked as he snapped out of his daydream, Renjun and Jaemin sat infront of him with concern in their eyes.

"That's the fourth time you've zoned out today, little sunshine" the youngest frowned, furrowing his strong dark eyebrows that contrasted well with his cornflower blue hair "What's on your mind?"

"Watermelon" Haechan groaned, dumping his head in his hands "Juicy, sweet mother-fucking watermelon"

"You still thinking about the dude at the party, hmm?" Renjun grinned, nudging Jaemin who put his arm round the smaller boy also grinning with amusement.

"Yes!" Donghyuck cried "I am in fact still thinking about him. Why can't you two just just tell me who he is?"

"Because that's no fun!" Jaemin laughed before chewing on a slice of apple that Renjun gently held to his lips.

"I hate you" the tanned boy glared "You too, Renjun. Didn't even offer me any apple slices. Boo you whore"

Renjun smiled sarcastically before throwing a slice of apple at Donghyuck, which the boy caught and aggressively shot back. Unfortunately, he threw it with a little too much sass and it flew past Renjun's head and straight into an innocent passerby.

"Oh my Lord" Donghyuck breathed, his face staining red with the shame of it while Renjun and Jaemin sniggered like a pair of six year olds "I'm so sorry!"

"That's cool" the passerby smiled, his eyes smiling too as he shrugged his broad shoulders "Don't worry, these things happen sometimes. You have good strength in your arms, if you don't mind me saying"

"Oh" Haechan blinked his eyes "Thank you...."

"Jeno" Jeno walked over with a strong air of confidence "Lee Jeno. And you are?"

"I'm Lee Donghyuck but you can call me Haechan"

"And I am Na Jaemin" the blue haired boy stood up with burning eyes, leaning against the table next to Jeno with a casual swipe of his pink tongue against his slightly chapped lips "Nice to meet ya, handsome"

"Shut up, Jae" Renjun rolled his eyes before Jeno could even reply "Hello Jeno. I'm Renjun, nice to meet you"

Jeno laughed, sliding his hands into the pockets of his black jeans and easing his broad shoulders in his red jacket.

"Pleasure to meet all of you" he replied sweetly before turning and winking at Haechan "Especially you, beautiful"

"Typical" Jaemin grumbled, seeing his efforts were futile and turning back to Renjun who also looked sour.

"Me?" Donghyuck grinned, fluttering his eyelashes. Haechan was a confident boy and he just loved it when cute boys complimented him.

"Mhmm" Jeno nodded, stepping closer. His hand stroked Haechan's hair once before falling to the table top as he leaned his face closer "Gorgeous"

"Lee fucking Jeno, I was looking all over for you" an irritated voice sounded, making all four boys stop and stare.

Haechan didn't know why, but he felt something tingle in his chest at the sight of a boy with chocolate brown hair, prominent cheek bones and what could only be described as the eyes of a lion. Watchful, prideful and filled with power.

"Mark fucking Lee" Jeno straightened up with a wave "I was just making new friends, you know something you should try doing once in a while"

"Hello" Renjun smiled kindly "I'm Renjun. Mark, is it?"

"Yeah" the boy replied with a passive expression "Mark Lee"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Na Jaemin" Jaemin waved with an eager smile while Haechan and Renjun sighed and rolled their eyes at their shameless confident gay of a friend.

"Sure" Mark nodded, eyes flitting downwards for a second after making eye contact with Jaemin. He looked almost embarrassed "Come on Jeno"

"Lemme get the pretty boy's number first" Jeno rubbed his hands together.

"I said " Mark crossed his arms looking fiercely into Jeno's eyes "Come on, Jeno"

"See you around, sweetheart" Jeno winked at Haechan before turning away and slouching over to mark with an irritated groan.

"See you, Jeno" Haechan replied, too busy shamelessly checking Mark out.

Mark caught his eye then looked him up and down, something unreadable lurking in his wild cat eyes. Haechan grinned, being the amazing flirt he is, his heart racing when the elder gave him the quickest wink before walking off with Jeno trailing behind him.

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