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After Renjun and Jeno had blundered in to the empty classroom, the atmosphere between Mark and Haechan had evaporated like hot steam rising on a cold winter morning, as if it had never been there at all.

Mark had leapt away from Haechan without a second look, uttered a few sharp words in Jeno's ear and left the younger males behind. Donghyuck didn't remember fully what had happened next as his thoughts had been jumbled in his mind like clothes in a tumble dryer but he did remember pieces of things.

Renjun's fleeting brown eyes and face, pale as a sheet of paper save for his cheeks, which were stained pale pink with embarrassment. Jeno's mumbled sheepish and half-apologetic explanations, his broad stone-like shoulders hunched. The way the two hadn't been able to even face the other, keeping at an undeclared arms length. The unspoken plead hung above their heads but no one spoke it, not needing to as it rang clear and precise like church bells.

Don't tell Jaemin.

Hyuck's own frown, confusion and squinting eyes flitting from Jeno to Renjun then Jeno again before the broad shouldered boy had mumbled that he'd speak to Renjun later and fled from the room, following in Mark's wake.

"You okay, Injun?"

"I don't know" he replied a little breathlessly "How did that happen?"

"You tell me" Hyuck's eyes drifted towards the window where he saw Jeno and Mark briskly exiting campus, stepping in time, as if to a song only they could hear.

"I can't remember"

"Did you like it, Renjun?"

"..........weirdly yes"

"You want to do it again?"

"I...don't know" Renjun fiddled with his sleeves.

"What about Jaemin?"

"What about him?"

"I thought you liked him, Renjun?"

"Oh, Haechan. Sweet Haechan" Renjun let out a sad, slightly breathless laugh "If only you knew"

A couple of night's later, Haechan was once again involved in a drinking game at yet another house party filled with dancing, happy people all around his age.

"One more Haechan!"

"Just one, come on baby"

"Just one! Just one!"

And they all burst into cheers when Haechan did as they said, just like they always did. The boy smiled sweetly and strutted away, dressed in a pair of tight black trouser and flowy wine coloured top that sometimes displayed a sliver of Haechan's golden midriff when he moved.

He entered the crowded room, Jaemin immediately grinned and made space on the battered couch he and Renjun were sat on. As Haechan settled next to Jaemin, the younger boy slung his arm around the tanned males shoulders.

"You okay, babe?" he asked as he flicked his hair out of his eyes.

"I'm okay" Hyuck smiled "For now anyways. Only had a couple of drinks yet"

Renjun stiffened in his over sized black hoodie and white bomber jacket as two familiar figures, swaggered past in leather jackets and silver chains.

"Jeno! Mark!" Jaemin called over the booming bass and waved with his free hand "Good to see you guys again"

"Same" Jeno nodded, coughing several times although there was no reason to do so "Wanna get a drink, Mark?"

There was no reply and when everyone turned to Mark to find out why, they found him with hungry eyes glued Donghyuck's form, blazing with desire and crackling with rage at the friendly arm Jaemin slung on his shoulders.

"Sure" Mark replied after a while, his tone firm and clear as if he was fighting to keep controlled "Haechan, wanna come with?"

"Why not?" the boy purred, before jumping up. He looked back down at Jaemin when he felt his hands pulling at the back of his thigh.

"You going to be okay, darling?" the blue haired male questioned in a gentle tone.

"Of course, Jaem" Haechan laughed affectionately "You worry too much"

"You're right" Jaemin removed his hand from Haechan's leg "Be back quickly, we'll play a game"

"Sure" the pretty tanned boy nodded before turning to Mark who immediately placed a strong arm around his waist, taking Haechan's breath away for a second.

"Come on" Mark grunted before briskly escorting him to the crowded kitchen.

Jeno conveniently disappeared, splitting off after a pretty boy who gave him a smile.

The Canadian male almost angrily gulped down a fiery mixture of vodka and fruit juice before throwing the crimson coloured plastic cup over his shoulder and hoisting Haechan on to the cold surface of the island counter, caging him in with his arms just like before.

"What do you think you're playing at, Haechan?" he sneered, spitting out the tanned males name as if it left a sour taste in his mouth. Haechan shivered but was filled with courage after the drinks he had consumed.

"What's happened now Mr Wild Lion?" he giggled leaning down so their noses were almost touching.

"Don't test me unless you really want to see how wild I can get" the elder snarled "You were all over me a couple of days ago, now you're sitting over there like a slut with Jaemin's hands all over you and you have the audacity to ask me what's happened now?"

"He's Jaemin" Haechan replied simply, his fingers tracing the sharp line of Mark's jaw "It's not like that"

"How stupid you are" Mark hissed with an icy smile "How naive of you to think that the way he calls you, touches you, gazes at you are all acts of innocence"

"Wh-what are you talking about, Mark?" Haechan pulled away and sat up straight, pressing his palms into the cold marble on which he sat in an attempt to clear his head "What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying, my sweet little sunflower, is that your little blue haired friend with the charming tongue" his eyes narrowed as he leaned in closer even though Haechan was trying to squirm away "Has a big, fat, gay crush on you"

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