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"Jaemin, come dance with me!" Haechan laughed over the booming bass of the party music "Bring Renjun too!"

The three were at yet another party, dancing and drinking way too much but having fun while doing it.

Renjun was dressed in a pair of practically painted on black pants and white trainer's with one of Jaemin's huge white T-shirts and a diamante choker with matching earrings. Haechan was dressed in tight black shorts and black platform trainers with a red silk shirt tucked in to his shorts. Jaemin wore a black jacket with several thick silver chains that rested on his bare chest matching his earrings. He also wore ripped black jeans with a thick YSL belt and a red paisley printed handkerchief hanging from his waist. His trainers were thick soled, adding a couple of extra inches to his height.

"Come on, Injunnie, let's dance!" Jaemin chuckled and pulled Renjun to his feet who giggled as he watched Haechan on the dance floor, being watched and admired by many people. The Chinese wished deep down he was more like the tanned male.

A couple of hours later, when the party was starting to wind down, the three laid drunkenly on the battered couch, heads spinning from the drink and dancing. Luckily the police hadn't made an appearance that night.

"We should probably go home, guys" Renjun sighed sleepily "It's getting late"

"I'll drive us" Jaemin slurred, attempting to get up and flopping back as Haechan tugged him down.

"You're not driving anywhere, Jaem" the tanned boy replied with narrowed eyes "Do you want us to die, hmmmm? Is that what you want, hmmmm? Silly kid, we'll get a taxi"

"You're so drunk, Hyuckie" Renjun giggled loudly.

"No I'm not" Haechan denied, poking the smaller's tummy "You are"

"Am nooooot" Renjun gasped and "Jaemin, tell him I'm not!"

"Both of you are" Jaemin laughed and ducked when the other two started slapping him playfully.

"Alright, alright !" Haechan yelped standing up, swaying on his feet "I'm going to call the taxiiiiii, be gooooood okay?"

"Can't promise any promises, Hyuckie" the youngest winked, cheeks flushed with all the drink he had consumed "It feels nice being naughtyyyyy"

"Shhhhhhh and behave" the tanned boy pressed his finger to Jaemin's slightly chapped lips "If you die I'll kill you I swear I will, I'll fuck both of you up"

"Just get a taxi quickly, Haechan!" Renjun whined, shaking Jaemin's arm "I want to go home nowwww"

Haechan stumbled outside, gripping the walls and furniture for support as he made his way to the front door. He gasped as he tripped over his own feet, all his muscles straining and clenching, like a rubber band before it snaps, expecting to crash painfully on to the concrete when he fell in to a pair of strong arms.

"Well well well" Mark chuckled almost to himself as he steadied Haechan in his arms. The elder raked his eyes over the tanned males glassy heavy-lidded eyes, flushed cheeks, and slightly open rose-bud lips. His eyes dipped lower, latching on to Haechan's tiny shorts and shapely, tanned never ending legs "Look what we have here, hmm"

"M-Mark" Haechan giggled with a small hiccup, leaning in and twisting the elders gold chain around his fingers "You see something you liiiiiiike?"

"No not really" Mark chuckled, observing the younger with a sparkle of amusement in his eyes.

"How fucking ruuuuude!" the tanned male screeched, breaking out of Mark's hold and nearly crashing to the floor before the elder caught for a second time "Get off of me, I don't care h-how sexy you are!"

"Baby, relax" Mark demanded as he tried to keep hold of the younger "I was going to say, I didn't see something I liked, I saw something I loved"

"Oh" Haechan giggled before throwing his arms around the elder's neck "Didn't think you were the type to spew out soppy shit like that, Mark Lee"

"Neither did I, sunshine" Mark hugged Haechan's tiny waist, swaying the both of them and spilling out his heart with a clear mind, knowing the younger would never remember this in the morning "But you just make me behave in ways I couldn't even begin to explain. The way you make me feels scares me, makes me do crazy shit"

"I'm sorryyyyy, Hyung" Haechan burst in to tears which was frankly quite adorable "I d-didn't mean to hurt you"

Mark's mind began to race, trying to think of a way to stop the younger to stop crying, cute as he looked. But he needn't have bothered as within a couple of seconds Haechan passed out, his mouth lolling open and his body turning lax in Mark's arms.

"Better come with me then, sweetheart" Mark sighed before hoisting the smaller over his shoulder and carrying him into his car.

Meanwhile, Jaemin was growing worried at Haechan's disappearance.

"Stay here, bunny" the blue haired male demanded firmly to Renjun "I'm just going to see where Hyuckie's got to, I won't be a minute"

Jaemin urgently marched off.

"Don't go, Jaem" Renjun whimpered and started crying, which he did often when he was drunk "You always leave me lonely for Haechannie. He's prettier than me, funnier, more popular. I can never win against him, I'm always the second option"

"In my eyes, there are no other options and no competition whatsoever, baby" a smooth voice soothed into the small Chinese males ear.

"Jeno?" Renjun sniffed, uncovering his face to see Jeno crouched in front of him with a gentle smile on his face and his signature red jacket on with a gold chain around his neck "Jeno!"

"Hi angel" the taller whispered as Renjun leapt into his arms, sobbing into his neck "You okay?"

"Yes, n-now you're h-here" the smaller hiccuped.

"Hmm, have you had a little drink today, darling?" Jeno scrutinized Renjun's slurred speech and emotional state.

"Mhmm, I did" the Chinese whispered "I'm s-so so so glad you're here, Jeno. I'm sorry that Jaemin was mean to you, I'm sure he didn't mean it"

"Don't apologize for him, sweetness" Jeno sighed and pulled Renjun onto his lap as he sat down on the couch "Me and Jaemin have had bad blood for a while now. It's not your fault, you don't need to make excuses for him, baby"

"Bad blood? What-"

"-the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jaemin hissed as he stood a couple of metres away from Jeno and Renjun.

"Consoling Injun, what about you?" Jeno sneered "Remembered he exists, have you?"

"Let go of him, Jeno" the youngest snarled, voice strained and warning as he started stepping forwards, fists clenched "Right fucking now"

"What if I don't?"

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