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"My head aches, dude" Jaemin groaned the next afternoon as he sat in between Renjun and Haechan on a stairwell at the university, all three sipping ice-cold Pepsi cola.

"Who told you to go and get shit-faced drunk?" Haechan sighed, leaning his chin on his hand, taking another sip of his drink.

"Shut up, Hyuck" the blue haired leaned back on his elbows with a pout "It's all your fault"

"Not my fault I'm so drop dead gorgeous" the tanned boy batted his eyelashes at Renjun and Jaemin, making the Chinese giggle.

The three friends had decided to go about as normal. Making a mountain out of the situation wouldn't be helping anyone. Plus they needed each other and weren't going to let anything tear them apart.

"Take that watermelon Mark" Haechan had breathed smugly after he, Renjun and Jaemin had sorted their problems out. Mark had another thing coming if he thought he could break the three of them apart.

"Renjunnie" Jaemin whined and leaned his head on the eldest's chest while pointing an accusing finger at Haechan "He's being mean to me"

"Aww, my baby" Renjun blushed slightly even though he knew this was just Jaemin being playful. He pulled Jaemin into his chest and stroked his hair "Leave Jaem alone, Hyuck!"

"It's him!" Haechan argued with a playful laugh "Dumb dumb blue sour patch kid"

"See, Renjun!" Jaemin fake cried as he buried his face in Renjun's chest "See, he's bullying me!"

"Both of you, give over" Renjun shook his head, faking exasperation "You'll turn my hair grey with all the stress the pair of you give me"

They were quiet then, just drinking and enjoying each other's company.

"Well if it isn't the three, musketeers"

Jaemin, Renjun and Haechan turned to see Jeno stood on the stair behind them, grinning down with his hands in the pockets of his infamous red jacket.

"Jeno" Hyuck huffed, not exactly to see Mark's best friend. He looked at Renjun out of the corner of his eyes, the Chinese male's cheeks were dusted with pink and his eyes were wide.

"Haechan" Jeno nodded, eyes finding Renjun's and holding them captive "Injunnie Bunny"

"Jeno" Renjun breathed, blinking his pretty eyes "Hi"

"Hi, gorgeous" the broad male smiled, his twinkling brown eyes smiling too.

"Gorgeous?" Jaemin muttered under his breath, looking from Renjun to Jeno then Renjun again in confusion.

Renjun's blush deepened and his eyes flitted away.

"What do you want, Jeno?" Jaemin snapped, becoming defensive in his confusion.

"Can't I say hello, if I want to?" Jeno smiled, infuriating the blue haired boy.

Jaemin was about to give him a mouthful when Haechan placed a gentle hand on his arm, causing the anger to seep out of the younger immediately, growling as he slumped back into Renjun's chest.

Jeno watched with amusement, a knowing glint in his eye. Mark had probably told him everything if it wasn't already obvious.

"Well, I can see I'm not wanted here" Jeno stepped over the three and tapped his way down to the bottom stair "Bye, Injun! I'll text you!"

"Text you?!" Jaemin yelped "Dude, since when do you talk to Jeno? And he has your number!?"

"Since, a couple of days after Haechan threw the apple at him" the smaller replied with an uneasy giggle.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Jaemin grumbled with sad puppy dog eyes "I thought we were friends, friends tell each other everything, Junnie"

"It just....didn't come up" Renjun weakly excused, looking away and taking a sip of his drink.

"C'mon guys" Haechan sighed "Who cares about Jeno, anyways? He's trash just like Mark. We can't let them weasel in between us"

"Right" Jaemin nodded, his eyebrows still furrowed "Sorry Renjun"

"Sorry Jaem" Renjun whispered.

Jaemin put an arm around Renjun and an arm around Haechan before pulling them both close placing a kiss on each of their heads.

From far away, an older male watched, his black hair falling into his eyes as he burned inside.

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